Something is very wrong about the sudden disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: If ever there was an authenticated video that reveals highly advanced alien technologies at work in the world, this one is it.

Of course, there are many implications and far-reaching ramifications of this single display of extremely powerful off-planetary technology which throw a different light on so many cataclysmic events which have occurred across the planet.


That this deliberately filmed event by the U.S. military was leaked and made available on the Internet indicates that The Powers That Be want us to know of their current capabilities. And, that they have been colluding with dark ETs for several decades. Why else would the military technicians have captured such an event … and then leaked it?

These extraordinary disclosures also prove why these top 6 reasons for the UFO/UAP Truth Embargo are entirely true.

Which means that the current “Majestic 12” committee is quite purposefully releasing this radioactive evidence as a means of telling us the truth about Alien contact, but without officially telling us.

In other words, they know that Disclosure is coming one way or another, and that there’s no stopping it.

Now it remains to be seen whether this is their end game.

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