Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 2


by Cyclops, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1.)


We are hard-wired to avoid things that ignite fear. This is a central aspect of reward/punishment conditioning that is central to the way humans learn about and adapt to our surroundings. The adrenaline-induced panic that we experience in a fight or flight response is a physical reaction that helps us learn how to survive, and is ingrained in our genes. But this aspect of our biology makes us vulnerable to those who want to manipulate us through fear.


The level of fear that can sway our values and behavior need not be extreme, such as the fear of death. It may be the fear of losing a job, a scholarship, or money. It may involve the fear of losing esteem, social acceptance, or the love of an important person. It might be the fear of being called a unflattering name, such as “racist”, “backward”, or “uncaring”. It may be as simple as losing out on something in which we have invested time or money, or a loss of our own self-esteem. How many types of fear can you identify in the following example.


During the 2022-23 school year, a male swimmer at a prominent Ivy League school decided to identify as a woman and compete on the women’s varsity swim team. Never mind the fact that the male swimmer’s times would have been mediocre in Division I swimming decades ago; but in women’s swimming, he would be setting regional records and become a national champion. The difference in performance between top-level men and women in swimming is pronounced and well-documented. Yet, in spite of the facts, the entire NCAA machinery was (and still is) rushing to the idea that if one voluntarily chooses to live like a member of the opposite sex, that becomes reality, and they actually become a member of the opposite sex.

The agreement of the male swimmer’s teammates to allow this to occur was, perhaps, one of the initial endorsements to allow this decision to gain momentum. But a Zero Hedge article on July 28, 2023, revealed that this initial implied endorsement from the swimmer’s teammates was less than voluntary. As one teammate relates, ”school officials met with the team to emphasize how important it was to the school to have this male compete as a woman. [The women] on the team were given an ultimatum: fall into line or risk being ostracized as bigots. Furthermore, the women were told that they would have to share a locker room, changing facilities, and bathrooms with the man, regularly forced to undress in front of him, and be forced to watch him undress. When they expressed concerns or this privacy issue, the school offered psychological services to ‘re-educate’ the women on the team so that they would feel more comfortable with the changing arrangements.” As one teammate later explained, they had put so much time into this sport, they were afraid that they would lose their chance to compete, and be thought of as “bigots”.

Swimmers from other schools were quoted as saying, “we were afraid that he’d commit suicide if he wasn’t allowed to behave and compete as a woman,” and “we didn’t want to put our scholarships in jeopardy by complaining about the situation.”

A female competitor from another school who competed against the man has since become more vocal about how men competing in women’s sports is unfair and abusive toward women. This former-swimmer-now-women’s-advocate, who has since graduated and now works full time on this issue, has been ridiculed, assaulted, and attacked in the press. However, she has tough skin and a sharp intellect, and has been able to articulate the abuses inflicted upon women by allowing biological men to compete against women.

While fear is a potent tool to use against individuals, in the last few years, we have seen how fear can be an effective tool against whole populations, whole societies, in fact the whole world. The manipulation surrounding the Covid “pandemic” has been an unprecedented, nefariously grand example of how fear can sway billions of people.


In a November 1, 2023 article in Expose-News, author Patricia Harrity reports on the review of published papers that show the techniques used by various agencies to convince people to receive the Covid vaccine. In the analysis, the author reveals that the most often used ‘brainwashing techniques [author’s phrasology] to get people to accept the vaccine were:

  • Fear of Death: people were told that they would not survive Covid if they didn’t get the vaccine.Fear of Embarrassment: people were humiliated into taking the vaccine, being told that they were stupid, ignorant of science, or uncaring if they didn’t take the vaccine.
  • Fear of a burden of Guilt: If people cared about those around them, they would get vaccinated. People were afraid that they would appear uncaring to surrounding people if they didn’t get vaccinated.
  • Fear of Name-calling: vaccine hesitant people were told that they were simply afraid to get a new shot, or adopt new technology.
  • Fear of being considered backward: vaccine hesitant people were told that ‘the science’ said that the vaccine was safe and effective, and that they needed to trust the science.
  • Fear of being sanctioned, or losing an opportunity: opportunity to go in stores, travel, attend events that prohibited unvaccinated people.
  • All of these methods were used widely and openly, and preyed upon people’s fear reaction in order to get them to comply. The article focused on the use of fear to brainwash the population, but it did not go into the very significant level of fear used in the medical community to repress studying non-vaccine alternatives and adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Fear is used to get people to do something that they would never do, or to protect something that is important to them. It is a key element of tyrannical totalitarian systems, because such systems can only hold together when human rights, compassion, and good reason must be anesthetized. As we have seen, fear works on the very intelligent, and on vast numbers of people. When fear doesn’t work because a person is unafraid, can’t be blackmailed, or has nothing to lose, then deception must be employed to control them.


“All warfare is based on deception…attacking the mind of the enemy is an indispensable preliminary to battle.” Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”.

Some might turn Sun Tzu’s statement around to say that all deception is a type of warfare–a war to be in charge of the “reality” that someone else accepts as true. Americans are being lied to daily. There are competing voices who want their version of reality operating in our heads, so our view of what is real and true is constantly being challenged. It takes wisdom, observational acuity, and situational awareness to deflect all the types of deception around us. Here are the most common types of deception used to manipulate our thinking.


If you have ever used an online dating site, you probably expect that the profile you are reading has provided selective information in an attempt to “put their best foot forward.” This is a simple deception and easy to remedy. It is up to you to find out the rest of the story by asking questions and filling in essential information that may have been omitted. Why is it then, that we don’t do the same thing when we listen to mainstream media news?

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