Research reveals critical shortage of life-saving medicines!


from WND:

The medical profession around the globe has been focused over the last few flu seasons on COVID and its after-effects.

That includes those medicine manufacturers, some of whom profited by billions of dollars for their work producing those experimental COVID shots.

But that focus has come with a cost: that some medicines now are hard to find, delayed and worse, unavailable.


A report in the Daily Mail explains that shortages now are being noticed for meds used against blood cancers, pneumonia and even mental illness.

The publication’s investigation found that some patients are having to wait more than a year.

“One notable medicine in short supply is the antibiotic amoxicillin; used to treat bacterial infections, including the bacterial infection partly driving the so-called ‘white lung’ outbreak in Ohio and China,” the report said.

Official figures obtained by the research found the number of medications in short supply was up 30% from 2021 to 2022, hitting a five-year high of 295.

It reported the American Cancer Society confirmed one patient in 10 “has been affected by shortages,” and they’ve turned to substitutes or delayed treatment.

It reported the mother of a 9-year-old girl with leukemia was told to expect a 15-month wait for a $10 drug that would save the child’s life, the report said. The mother found one dose available nationwide after calling hundreds of hospitals, and the treatment was successful.

The report noted most of those treatments in short supply are those most in demand, the generics that cost patients less.

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