Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public of Soaring Side Effects


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A pro-vax doctor has blown the whistle to warn the public about the soaring cases of side effects she’s seeing from the Covid mRNA injections.

Dr. Cornelia Tschanett has apparently had a crisis of conscience after administering up to 4,000 shots in her practice.

However, the Austrian doctor says that roughly ten percent of the people she injected have come back to her suffering from side effects.


Tschanett admits that she came to the chilling realization that she couldn’t “continue to vaccinate here” after a teenager she vaccinated suffered heart failure.

Instead, the health professional is now raising the alarm to warn the public that the Covid mRNA shots are not “safe and effective” as governments and their corporate media allies have been claiming.

Dr. Tschanett has gone public with her story in a recently released documentary called “UN-SICHTBAR: Der Film Teil 1.”

The title translates to “INVISIBLE: The Film Part 1.”

In the film, the doctor discloses that 10 percent of the 3,000 to 4,000 patients in her practice have come forward with “problems since the vaccination.”

“We have carried out around 3,000 to 4,000 vaccinations in my practice,” Tschanett reveals, according to an English translation of her statements.

“There were few side effects, as we saw at the beginning.”

However, Tschanett reveals that her patients kept returning with side effects long after they received the injections.

“This slowly became more the case over the course of the year,” she continued.

“You may not notice the first cases that much or dismiss it as an isolated case.

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