Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines


by Peter Imanuelsen, The Gateway Pundit:

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at

Some huge news. At least 215 million expired doses of the mRNA shots have been destroyed by the EU – This comes at a cost to the tax payer of around €4 BILLION.

Looks like people are not interested in taking the boosters anymore, so countries have been forced to throw them away.


The EU bought massive quantities of the brand new mRNA shots that has never been tested for long term side effects.

In fact, they ordered a whopping 4.2 BILLION vaccine doses, enough for giving each citizen in the EU 9 doses. Is this why they pushed so hard for people to get the boosters, so that they could get rid of their surpluss vaccines?

There was only 15 EU member countries disclosed their data, and it shows that they have thrown away at least 0.7 doses per person on average. If we project this number to the EU as a whole, it would mean a whopping 312 million doses have been thrown away, equal to about €5.8 billion of tax payers money wasted.

However, the real number is likely higher, as Germany which has already thrown away 83 million vaccine doses, said a few months ago that they had a stockpile of another 120 million doses that are expiring early next year.

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