New Zealand Gov’t: ‘COVID Jabs Killed Over 20% of the Population’


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

A New Zealand government official has gone on the record and blown the whistle on how the COVID jabs have killed at least 20% of the population.

A database administrator who worked with the New Zealand government compiling a list of vaccine recipients has come forward revealing the spike in deaths associated with the experimental mRNA jabs.


According to the whistleblower, who called himself “Winston Smith,” he worked on a program logging vaccine compensation for providers and was able to pinpoint how deaths began occurring shortly after the vaccine rollout. reports: The IT specialist made the revelations in a recent interview with researcher Liz Gunn, where he discussed how he made the correlation between jabs administered and subsequent deaths.

“When I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,” the whistleblower told Gunn.

“And this is Pfizer’s batch number one. We’ve had 711 from batch number one vaccinated 152 of those died which makes a 21 percentage death rate, mortality rate,” Gunn said looking at the data, which Smith confirmed was correct.

“These are real people,” Smith added. “These are real numbers. This is government data. So the top V1 has vaccinated 246 people and 60 of them are now no longer with us.”

“That is nearly 25%,” Gunn noted.

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