Neil Oliver Christmas Message


from The Conservative Treehouse:

U.K Pundit Neil Oliver uses his weekly monologue to remind us of the humanity behind the Christmas message.  For the greatest hope within the birth of Jesus Christ, a child’s birth that represents all hope, the purest hope.

…”people feel the cold, and not just the cold of winter. But the cold of an antihuman ideology that would take everything from us, including each other, including everything that makes Christmas so important.  In all circumstances it is possible, vital, to remember the light; to remember that light and warmth are real.  We can resist in simple and fundamental ways, like keeping lights lit and fires warm wherever it is possible – by keeping Christmas.  Here’s the thing, day follows night; winter follows summer and autumn; but winter, even the darkest winter, knows that the spring is coming… that the spring, always comes!”




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