Musk Wins the Battle of Words Over Twitter


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

In any war words matter. In fact, words may matter more than bombs or guns on the battlefield.

How we define things shapes how we think of them. How we think about any war is key to understanding how it’s going to progress regardless of the reality.

Wars come in all shapes and sizes, from the kinetic to the psychological to the cultural. The battlefields are as small as a kitchen table and as sweeping as the entire human-settled world.


At this point we’re beyond eye-rolling and laughter at some of the ridiculous framing used by the enemies of humanity at this stage of the war against civilization itself.

From “mostly peaceful” protests that burn down half a city, to “insurrections” where people wander around a government building aimlessly after being let in by the cops, their hyperbole has truly jumped the shark.

My favorite of 2023 is still “died suddenly,” but only in a strictly professional sense, as a writer.

This point bears repeating: words matter. Taking the high road by refusing to play the ‘Shape the Narrative’ game of these commies is a losing strategy.

The way they take words away from us leaves us defenseless. Many console themselves with feeling morally superior for not ‘sinking to their level.’ You see this from a lot of regime conservatives and I have to wonder if they haven’t always been just another psy-op.

There is no high ground during a tidal wave, folks.

Alinsky’s Rules focus on making the attack personal, invoking shame by attacking the person’s character, not their argument. He’s onto something, by the way.

That’s why an idea like “Davos” was so effective when I first invoked it back in 2017. It created an image, gave your imagination a touchstone, to distill their evil into a single word. It separated them from us, categorized them, divided them.

But, most importantly, it created a funnel through which we could pour observations to see what fit and what didn’t. They meeting in Davos, us toiling along trying to make sense of the inanities coming from our political leaders.

Today Davos is meeting in Dubai for COP28 to try one last time to arm-twist the emerging world into committing hara-kiri over CO2 emissions before they even enter the hated bourgeoisie.

By all accounts, it’s not going to work, but a lot of our money will still get spent.

Growing Fake Yurts

Climate Change is just middle class angst for Europeans and Americans being the beneficiaries of colonialist behavior by our ancestors and current crop of “leaders.” And fair cop, we should feel a little bad about it.

But that means changing the political and financial dynamic, not paying reparations and letting them knife your children in the street.

If you listen carefully to the leaders of the aggrieved victims of Western colonialism, all they want is to be left in peace, freer to pursue their bliss their way.

The ones guilting you and I into giving up what’s left of our first world lifestyle aren’t the Russians, Chinese or even the Africans, it’s our own leadership, our oligarch class.


And the reason why the remnant of the Western middle class is still so enamored of Climate Change is because misery does, in fact, love company.

We’ve thrown our middle class comforts away to save you, noble savages, so everyone must join us.

The casual racism of these people cannot be overstated. And the worst part is that the arguments which led to convincing everyone that man-made Climate Change was real turned all of its adherents, who likely had the best of intentions, into the very thing they say they are not.

Casual racists.

That’s the message at every one of these pathetic convocations of globalist vampires; sacrifice yourself to save the planet from your guilt and their ignorance so we can continue to rule over you.

Last year senior EU diplomat Josep Borell said the quiet parts out loud when he …

…pontificated that “Europe is a garden” but “most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden”.

The little garden, he educated them, cannot defend itself by building a wall. Why? “Because the jungle has a strong growth capacity, and the wall will never be high enough in order to protect the garden.”

So, what’s the solution? Then came the punch line: “The gardeners have to go to the jungle. Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means.”

He was addressing the next generation of Eurocrats, after they’d invited the jungle into Europe to address its demographic problems and destroy its culture. Now they needed to stop the invasion.

Europe has enough ditch diggers, toilet cleaners, house maids and whores, apparently

Gaining Functional Yards

But for those of us ‘ungovernables’ (screw “deplorables”) who still have the semblance of a shred of self-respect after the guilt imprinting of our youth, the point of no return has arrived.

If we don’t make a stand now, call their panty waste bullshit out for what it is, there is no safe garden from these ghouls anywhere in the world.

It starts by taking back the language. It means putting them on the defensive and forcing them to respond to our ideas, our memes, our descriptions.

To these so-called aristocrats “populism” is just a dog-whistle for “nationalism.” And nationalism is a four letter word beginning with “N” and ending in “I.”

At this point everyone to the “right” of Bono is one of these unmentionables.

Any hint of national or even ethnic pride is immediately turned into something shameful, where even the most outspoken have to bracket their barest expression of pride with double-speak.

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