Latest DEATHVAX™ Disability Data


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

This Substack has previously covered the slow kill bioweapon death and disease adverse events…

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program


Yesterday this Substack reviewed the latest cardiac mortality data: A few days before that, this Substack reviewed the latest cancer data: Today we tie these terrifying trends together by reviewing the latest data on excess non-PSYOP-19 natural cause mortality:

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…and now we have the latest disability data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (B[L]S) for November, which further reinforces the horrendous trends.

Disabilities for the entire US population are up 299k:

Disabilities for the the most productive members of society in the civilian labor force are up 199k:

The most surprising data from this BLS update are found in the male vs female breakdown itself, given that the illegitimate Federal government and their various unconstitutional agencies pretend that there are far more than just two genders; but how much more difficult would it be to downplay the democide-reality-on- the-ground as it would pertain to dozens, if not hundreds, of different make-believe sexes? So, in the interest of pragmatism the B(L)S is reduced to strictly reporting on the XY sex-determination system.

Disability for men has declined, but the trend is still unrelenting horror-show:

Disability for women has spiked to all time highs, which going forward does not bode well for birth rates:

Given that the politicized B(L)S perpetually revises its data, we can assume that in reality disabilities resemble actual inflation and unemployment; for example, courtesy of John Williams’s Shadow Stats, this is what real unemployment looks like:

And this is what real inflation looks like:

Therefore, it would not be any stretch of the imagination to deduce that real disabilities are significantly higher that what is being reported by a corrupt Federal government agency.

They want you disabled.

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