John Turscak, Former FBI Informant, Stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 Times in Prison


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

John Turscak, a 52-year-old former Mexican Mafia FBI snitch, has been charged with attempted murder for stabbing former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in a federal prison in Tucson.

Turscak said he attacked Chauvin on Black Friday because it’s “symbolic with the Black Lives Matter movement and the ‘Black Hand symbol’ associated with the Mexican Mafia criminal organization,” journalist Meghann Cuniff reported.


Turscak stabbed Chauvin “approximately 22 times” with an “improvised knife,” causing “serious bodily injury,” the complaint states.

The complaint says Turscak attacked Chauvin inside the law library at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.

“John Turscak ‘denied wanting to kill D.C. However, Turscak stated that he had been thinking about assaulting D.C. for approximately one month because D.C. is a high-profile inmate,’ ” Cuniff reported.

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