Israeli Veteran Says He Witnessed IDF Apache Helicopter Fire Missile Into Kibbutz


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

The “Hannibal Directive” in action.


From Uncaptured Media, “Israeli volunteer: Apache helicopter fired into Kibbutz Be’eri”:

An Israeli Apache helicopter fired into Kibbutz Be’eri, according to testimony from Erez Tidhar, a military veteran who on the scene on October 7 as a rescue and evacuation volunteer for the Eitam unit.

“Every minute a missile comes down on you, every minute,” Tidhar recalled. “And suddenly you see a missile from a helicopter that fires into the kibbutz. You say to yourself, ‘I don’t get it. An IDF helicopter firing into an Israeli kibbutz.’ And then you see a tank driving through the streets of the kibbutz flanking the cannon and it fires a shell into a house. These are things you cannot comprehend.”

The report, aired (archived) on Israeli state broadcaster Kann, sheds new light on the events of October 7.

Ha’aretz reported on November 18 that a combat helicopter fired on Hamas militants and “apparently also hit some festival participants.”

A helicopter squadron commander previously told Mako that, having run out of missiles, he considered opening fire with a cannon on a house containing Israeli captives and Hamas militants. Instead, he decided to shoot 30 meters away from the house in order to scare Hamas militants into going outside.

However, Tidhar’s testimony is the first account published of a helicopter firing missiles directly into a kibbutz.

The Israeli outlet Yedioth Ahronoth reported on October 15 that 28 military helicopters fired at anyone they saw, had “tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian” and “only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”

The report added that “in the first four hours from the start of the fighting, helicopters and fighter jets attacked about 300 targets, most of them in Israeli territory.”

As I highlighted yesterday, the Israeli army finally admitted that an “immense” amount of friendly fire took place on Oct 7 and it’s causing Israelis to question whether the “Hannibal Directive” — a controversial IDF doctrine that stipulates using maximum force to prevent kidnappings “by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own” — was used on Oct 7.

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