Globalists Program Us To Expect ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ In 2024 Caused By New Strain Of COVID, Though A Horrific Number Of Deaths & Heart Failures Caused By The Vax Have Been Proven


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Remember Majority Of Democrats Wanted To Put Unvaxxed In Camps

While 2023 is finally, and thankfully, coming to a rapid end, a new story has come out from globalist mouthpieces CNN giving us a taste of what’s to come if the globalists get their way. Titled “How 2023 has been the ‘year of the brink’ and 2024 could be worse, the story doesn’t hold back, warning “2024 could make 2023 seem rational and sober,” something that might seem like an impossibility to some.


Warning that holding back from the brink in 2023 has simply deferred vast crises to 2024their story immediately spoke of a ‘post-Covid world,’ although if you look at this new story over at MSN that ANP reader ‘Oky’ had linked to in our breaking news section Thursday morning you’ll see that Doctors are now speaking of a ‘new COVID strain,’ they call ‘JN.1,’ confirming we must be living in ‘some special kind of post-COVID world’ when what they call ‘new strains of COVID’ keep emerging.

And as that alarming MSN story warns of this ‘new strain,’ its’ special health affliction is “Doctors fear new Covid strain could trigger ‘heart failure pandemic’ across the globe.” Once again attempting to cover up their own mass-murder spree, with independent media reporting for quite some time about the alarming numbers of ‘mysterious heart failures’ happening all across the planet post-vax, the MSN story is trying to ‘misinform’ those who still get their news from the mainstream media, preparing them for a ‘heart failure pandemic’ being ‘caused‘ by ‘JN.1,’ though anyone who gets their news from the independent media knows these massive numbers of heart failures seen all across the planet are ‘vax caused‘.

As we warned back on November 12th, back then the WEF had just published a new study claiming that the sudden spike in fatal heart attacks and strokes were caused by ‘man-made climate change.’ And as we had warned in our November 12th story, that astonishing rise in the number of heart attacks was being largely seen in young children and healthy young adults, often athletes in the primes of their lives, and the independent media back then made mincemeat of the WEF’s argument that suddenly, all of these mysterious and sudden deaths were being caused by ‘climate change’.

Showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the globalists in ‘big pharma‘ and ‘government‘ were busy trying to find anything to blame but the vax’ for the huge die-off taking place across the planet, they’re clearly at it again, trying to blame ‘JN.1’ for the next coming die-off which they’ll call a ‘heart failure pandemic.’ But they’ll never, ever blame themselves for carrying out genocide via the ‘forced vax’.

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