Globalist Leftists Push Digital Public Infrastructure


from Moonbattery:

What do the United Nations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation have in common? They are all left-wing, globalist, and rabidly hostile to the interests of regular Americans, and all are pushing Digital Public Infrastructure through the “50-in-5” campaign in hopes of inflicting it on 50 countries in 5 years:

Sold as a mechanism for financial inclusion, convenience, improved healthcare, and green progress, DPI is an all inclusive phrase applied to a looming technocratic governance system powered by three foundational components: digital ID, digital payments like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and massive data sharing.


The evil dream of totalitarianism centrally imposed at the global level did not die with the USSR. Its proponents call it the Great Reset.

If successful, DPI will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine where and how you can travel, what you are allowed to consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.

That is, if someone in Brussels or at Google decides you are a homophobe or emit too much CO2, you can be prevented from making purchases at the grocery store.

Bill Gates says those who do not receive the Mark of the Beast risk “exclusion from society.”

Note the alarming word “equitable.” Equity is a euphemism for absolute authoritarianism under which the lawn is kept neatly manicured by ensuring that no blade of grass is allowed to grow higher than the shortest blade in any respect.

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