Globalism Is a Disease That Deprives Life of Meaning


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Two recent statistical surveys keep bouncing around in my head.  One study concludes that one out of every four young people in the world feels lonely today.  The other study finds that 72% of Americans have no interest in defending the United States in a major war.  In other words, a quarter of the planet’s emerging leaders are clinically depressed, and nearly three-quarters of the voters in the world’s wealthiest, most powerful nation have no interest in fighting to preserve the “American dream.”  People, it seems, are so disappointed in the present that they have no appetite for the future.


Signs of such debilitating malaise should be a smack across the face to those who insist on ruling planet Earth from privileged perches secured behind steel gates at private social clubs such as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations.  Across the globe and in poor and rich countries, alike, the human race is suffering.  Real leaders would recognize this phenomenon for what it is: a worldwide cry for help.

Does it seem as if the post-WWI eruption of think tanks, international associations, economic clubs, and foreign policy institutes has had a net-positive effect on human happiness?  Has the Council on Foreign Relations successfully steered the planet toward sustained peace?  Have the privately controlled central banks that are empowered to manipulate national currencies at whim safeguarded middle class families from regular economic disaster?  Has the League of Nations’ successor, the UN, prevailed in its self-appointed mission to build a better world?  Or, after a solid century of international busybodies obsessively micromanaging the world’s affairs, is it perhaps time to conclude that a glut of governmental and non-governmental organizations with a penchant for starting wars and triggering economic calamity has, quite demonstrably, done more harm than good?

With so many global institutions dominating private life, is it any wonder why so many people now behave as if they should be committed to institutions?  True meaning — the kind formed through personal struggle, adventure, hard work, religion, community, and family — has been replaced with the incremental oppression of international rule-making.  The sanctity of the family home has been bulldozed, so that a global cabal of atheists — whose only real mission is to severely reduce the human population — can poison the natural bonds nurtured between parents and children.  The blessings of marriage have been paved over with such vulgar elevation of sin as to condemn human beings, who would otherwise have been made whole through matrimonial commitment, to lonely lives — bereft of hope and adrift in promiscuous isolation.

Culture, marriage, children, and a devotion to God are the bricks that build communities, which in turn fortify nations against the evils propagated by those who lead drab, meaningless lives drenched in self-loathing and hatred for humanity’s existence.  The UN and its sister organizations do one thing well: they vanquish cultural bonds and, by doing so, demolish civilizations.  And with the wreckage that they reap, they extinguish human happiness.

How successfully have these globalist parasites spread their cancer of human meaninglessness?  The Canadian Human Rights Commission claims that the celebration of Christmas perpetuates “colonial” oppression and “intolerance.”  In the United States, a trend has metastasized online in which young Americans who have been indoctrinated to condone the evils of Hamas terrorists now openly express their support for the words and deeds of Osama bin Laden.  Nearly twenty-five years after an Islamic supremacist murdered 3,000 of their countrymen, lost and confused Americans with no sense of their own history or purpose now thank the 9/11 mastermind for his vile service.  And former CIA director Michael Hayden — a Deep State thug who once called for the execution of President Trump — took some time during Thanksgiving to equate Second Amendment-supporting Christians with jihadist terrorists.  These kinds of sicknesses — revolting to their core — are vivid proof that life within the United States and throughout the West must imminently change.

Globalism — or the secular philosophy that a small group of international elites can successfully govern nation states better than the people who reside within the nooks and crannies of those nations — insists that bureaucratic mandarins in Brussels, Geneva, or New York City should be managing the day-to-day activities of an electrician in Verona, a winemaker in Sopron, a sailor from Cooranbong, and an accountant living in a suburb outside Cincinnati.

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