Democrat Pushes WEF’s ‘Biometric Digital ID’ for American Public


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A Democrat congressman has called for the American people to be issued with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “digital ID” system.

During a recent House Financial Services Committee hearing, Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL) pushed for the federal government to roll out the “digital ID” system.

While making his pitch for the authoritarian technology, Foster suggested that the ID database should be “biometrically synced” to the smartphones of the general public.


During the hearing, several government officials shared updates on their work on digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

The two types of technology have the potential to give the government unprecedented levels of control and surveillance power.

The digital ID system is being led by the WEF and the unelected globalist organization’s members have been pushing for the system to be fully integrated with “digital cash.”

“Cashless societies” is a key component of the WEF’s “Agenda 2030.”

The group envisions a near future where members of the public must rely on their CBDC-linked digital ID if they wish to partake in regular society.

As Slay News previously reported, one of the world’s most powerful bankers gloated to his WEF associates that plans to eliminate physical cash will allow government bureaucrats and corporate power elites to gain “absolute control” over the global population through the use of digital money.

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