Colorado Supreme Court Justices Bastardize the Constitution


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

Anyone who still isn’t taking seriously the escalating efforts of the ongoing coup attempt against America by the rogue domestic enemy called government needs a serious reality check. All branches of federal, state, and local governments seem in on the act. Colorado’s four Supreme Court justices who just disqualified President Trump from the 2024 ballot is a prime example of bribed leaders in government. They are a disgrace and must be stopped!


The Colorado court ruled in a 4-3 decision to deprive President Trump of a basic constitutional right. This action isn’t just biased or unfair; it is criminal election interference, abuse of power, and a violation of due process. Justices Monica M. Marquez, William W. Hood III, Richard L. Gabriel, and Melissa Hart voted against President Trump based on a Civil War 14th Amendment clause that was intended to keep Confederate insurgents during a declared war. At their whim, they deprived Americans of a basic constitutional right to elect their own leaders.

While Trump will appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court and will very likely win the appeal, these so-called “justices” of the court will face no consequences for their indiscretions and dereliction of duty. They will be free to do more damage to the American people. They have no accountability. They answer to no one.

That’s a serious problem! But it is also a reality for nearly every compromised subject in the American political fabric. They have no shame, no ethical standard, and no incentive to do what is right because they are never held accountable for their misdoings.

Fortunately, not all is lost. We ought to praise the three Colorado justices who refused to compromise their integrity. They are Chief Justice Brian Boatright, Justice Carlos Samour, and Justice Maria Berkenkotter. Likewise, Republican primary contender Vivek Ramaswamy took a bold stand for President Trump, claiming he would withdraw from the Colorado primary until Trump was reinstated. Even Democrat-turned-Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defended Trump, having the insight to recognize that “[e]very American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove President Trump from the ballot.” Being “troubled” is an understatement. We should be mortified and enraged.

All of the abusers of judicial and political power in the Biden puppet regime are working overtime to seal America’s fate as a lost republic. To date, virtually nothing has been done to meaningfully oppose this enemy. In fact, we have yet to officially declare the enemy, despite knowing exactly who they are, where they live, and what crimes and abuses of office they have committed. We are without excuse.

What are their atrocities? They’ve attacked our morality, our unity as Americans, our economy, our Christianity. They have penetrated our schools and perverted the minds of our children. They have feminized our military, murdered our unborn children, invaded medicine, corrupted science, and weaponized our government against the people. They fund our enemies and the wars that fill their coffers.

Who are they? They include Biden’s crime ring, Obama and his beloved Muslim jihadists, Epstein’s child predators, and Fauci’s global genocide team. They are Democrats and Republicans in all branches of government office and in all government agencies, like the FBI, DHS, and CIA. They are the true insurgents who aim to finish the business of collapsing America in 2024.

The government would love to see America in a civil war so that we can kill ourselves off. This would solve many problems for the Globalist’s population controllers. They also will put an end to President Trump, if at all possible, even if it means his assassination. Perhaps it’s time to finally declare war. When at war, we must destroy the enemy or be destroyed. If we uphold our duty to defend the Constitution as a united people, we can easily taste victory. But let’s not forget the wise words of President Reagan: “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

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