Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

In June 2022, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 Select Committee brought in Mark Meadows’ former junior staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Democrats and their media lackeys billed this as an “explosive development” in their hopes to jail President Donald Trump based on a heaping pile of lies.
The fake news mainstream media GLADLY aired young Cassidy as she lied through her teeth to the J6 Committee and America. She fit in nicely with Liz Cheney and her committee.


Democrats, the FBI, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and Liz Cheney all believed Cassidy. They agree that Donald Trump and his supporters must be publicly humiliated and ruined for trying to save this country from their failed policies and tyrannical ambitions.

Young Cassidy sat for testimony and proceeded to tell several lies while under oath before the committee.

Here a few of Cassidy’s whoppers that we posted back in June 2022:

1.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump attempted to grab the steering wheel of “the beast” and wrestle control from the Secret Service on January 6th.

Truth: President Trump was not in “the beast” on January 6th.

Truth: Secret Service agents willing to testify against this ridiculous lie by young Cassidy. It never happened.

2.) Cassiday Hutchinson said President Trump grabbed the neck area of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel.

Truth: Bobby Engel willing to testify this was a lie.

3.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump broke dishes and flipped tablecloths on January 6th.

Truth: President Trump refutes the nonsensical claim.

4.) Cassidy Hutchinson claimed to have written a handwritten note on January 6th.

Truth: Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann wrote the note and testified to this fact under oath previously before the committee.

5.) Cassidy Hutchinson said her boss Mark Meadows called Roger Stone on January 5th to find out what would play out the next day on January 6th.

Truth: Roger Stone has never spoken to Mark Meadows outside of a conversation they held in a green room in 2019.

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