Archbishop Viganò: ‘False prophet’ Bergoglio is guilty of ‘all-out apostasy’


by Stephen Kokx, LifeSite News:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò delivered an address to the “Is the Pope Catholic?” conference this past weekend forcefully stating that Jorge Maria Bergoglio is a “false prophet” who fits the description of the one spoken of by the prophet Daniel during the time of the “final persecution” of the Church, to whom no Catholic owes “any” obedience or collaboration but rather steadfast resistance. 


“We are … far beyond heresy,” His Excellency declared. “[St. Robert] Bellarmine could never have imagined that an emissary of Freemasonry could go so far as to be elected pope with the purpose of demolishing the Church from within, usurping and abusing the very power of the papacy itself against the papacy. Nor could he have imagined that a hypothetical pope would surpass mere heresy and embrace all-out apostasy.”  

Organized by Dr. Edmund Mazza, the online event was streamed on YouTube on Saturday, December 9. It featured an array of speakers discussing whether or not Francis is actually the pope, a topic that Archbishop Viganò noted has emerged after a decade of “[Bergoglian] horrors” that are “worse than those we have witnessed in the last sixty years.”  

Liz Yore, co-host of LifeSite’s Faith & Reason show, addressed the conference as well. Fr. Paul Kramer and blogger Ann Barnhardt also appeared. Kramer has written multiple books on the subject, including, “On the True and False Pope: The Case Against Bergoglio.”  

Archbishop Viganò’s 50-minute message (which was cut down, Mazza told LifeSite, to 34 minutes for the stream) is a powerful assessment of the state of the Church today. He also touched on current events in Gaza, calling out the “heresy” of Zionism while mentioning Epstein Island and the “blackmail” Israeli intelligence officials hold over politicians to control them. Ultimately, however, his address served as a response to critics of his statements on the papacy in recent months.  

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