Another Educrat Sworn In on Pedophile Pornography


from Moonbattery:

Unreal as it may seem, educrats really have replaced the Bible with homosexual pornography focusing on children as the sacred text for swearing in ceremonies.

We saw it in Pennsylvania. Here it is in Virginia:

Democrat Karl Frisch was sworn in for his second term on the Fairfax County School Board with a stack of books banned in other school systems for sexually controversial content Thursday.


“He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign website announced. “Currently, the Board’s Vice Chair, Frisch becomes its Chair on January 1. He is the first LGBTQ+ person elected to local office in Virginia’s largest county and one of only four openly LGBTQ+ school board members in the Commonwealth out of roughly 800 members.”

Those are his primary qualifications to oversee the education of children in a country ruled by moonbats.

Frisch’s male partner held the stack of books as he was sworn in. The books included “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” “Gender Queer,” “Flamer,” “Lawn Boy” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.”

Pedophile pornography of the type promoted by Chelsea Clinton is not only permitted; it is treated as sacred and foisted on the innocent.

When people tell you they are perverted blasphemous scum intent on corrupting your children, believe them — and get them the hell away from your kids.


On a tip from Barry A.

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