About a 3rd of Republicans Believe Votes Won’t Be Counted Correctly in 2024


from The Epoch Times:

An Associated Press-NORC survey released this week found that some 32 percent of Republican voters believe votes likely won’t be counted correctly in the 2024 primaries and election.

About one-third of GOP voters told pollsters that they have a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence that votes in the Republican primary elections and caucuses will be counted correctly. About 3 in 10 Republicans have a “moderate” level of confidence, while 32 percent said they have either “only a little” confidence in elections or “none at all.”

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The AP poll found that 72 percent of Democrat voters have high confidence that their party will count votes accurately in its primary contests, while they’re more likely than Republicans to have a high level of confidence in the Republican Party’s vote count being accurate.

Meanwhile, about one-quarter of Republicans say they have at least “quite a bit” of confidence that the votes in the 2024 presidential election will be counted accurately, which is significantly lower than for Democrats. Slightly fewer than half of U.S. adults overall—or 46 percent—believe the same, which is in line with an AP-NORC poll conducted in June.

The AP-NORC poll also found a widespread lack of trust in both major political parties among U.S. adults overall. Slightly fewer than half of U.S. adults, or 46 percent, told pollsters that they’re pessimistic about the means by which the country’s leaders are selected.

Only 3 in 10 Democrats say they’re confident that the Democratic party’s process will result in a candidate whose views represent most Americans. About one-quarter of Democrats believe the process will produce a candidate whose views represent their own.

Similarly, about 3 in 10 Republicans say the GOP process will produce a candidate who represents a majority of Americans. About one-third of Republicans expect that they’ll get a nominee whose views represent their own.

“Nothing will be fair because the last election was rigged,” Julie Duggan, a Chicago resident who backs former President Donald Trump, told AP. “I don’t trust any of them at this point.”

Democrat Mark Richards, 33, a middle school teacher in Ohio, told AP that he believes that President Joe Biden will be nominated again despite what the polls show.

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