Your DNA: The Ultimate Global ID Is Here!


by Patrick Wood, Activist Post:

Your DNA is beyond unique for every person, revealing all your genetic predispositions and all your family connections. It cannot be altered, ensuring “lifelong immutability.” Now that DNA sequencing devices can “generate DNA profiles (DNA IDs) anywhere and within a very short time using mobile devices and fully automated processes,” it is ready for prime time! This is the Holy Grail for Technocrats because it is the irreducible structure of all life on planet Earth.


This industry report will show you the excitement generated by this technology. Don’t fall for the hype that there are any beneficial outcomes. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

Posted By: Corinna Schindler via Biometric Update

Biometric identification solutions have become firmly established in our everyday lives, whether at security checks at airports or through facial recognition on smartphones – and the next generation is already waiting. DNA-based processes not only ensure precise identification of individuals, but also raise data protection to a completely new level.

For a long time, DNA-based methods were reserved for forensic work, such as the unequivocal identification of disaster victims or the determination of degrees of relationship. As technology advances, however, the latest generation of solutions for establishing identity is also becoming increasingly suitable for use in public service.

This is a development with major advantages, because for citizens, proof of their own identity is the key to state benefits, education and mobility – at least in theory. In practice, many people around the world still do not have a legal identity that can be verified by a birth certificate or passport, for example. This is where the full potential of unalterable and unique DNA comes into play, which can unambiguously identify people in cases of doubt. The new generation of DNA-based methods offers far-reaching advances in this area.

Speed meets DNA technology

DNA-based personal identification is not a new invention – forensics practitioners have been using this method since the 1980s – but highly automated processes have only been available for a few years. With the latest technology, certified “Rapid DNA Technology”, solutions can generate DNA profiles (DNA IDs) anywhere and within a very short time using mobile devices and fully automated processes. These processes do not require any special technical or scientific knowledge and ensure lossless data generation.

A DNA ID card created in this way offers numerous advantages over conventional biometric identification methods such as fingerprints or iris recognition. Because the stored information is enclosed and protected directly in the nucleus of the human cell, the DNA-based solution ensures lifelong immutability and rules out tampering.

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