With The ‘Grand Culling’ Fully Underway, It Will Get Much Worse In The Days Ahead As Far Too Many Parents Play ‘Russian Roulette’ With The Health And Lives Of Their Children


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The recent story over at the NY Times speaks amazing volumes considering the mainstream media’s tendency to lie through their teeth to enable medical tyranny, while also beating around the bush to avoid reality, giving us a great sign exactly where we’re being herded in the days, weeks and months ahead.

With the NY Times story titled “Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog,” the subtitle avoided reality and blamed ‘long COVID,’ with that subtitle being “Adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are driving the trend. Researchers point to long Covid as a major cause.”

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Confirming what we’ve been reporting on ANP about the overall mental health of Americans since the vaxxes came out and people, especially those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, started dropping dead out of the blue, quite often healthy young athletes in the primes of their lives who were suffering from no known physical ailments, this new story over at News Addicts that Steve Quayle linked to on his website earlier Wednesday offers us an alarming look at the implications of what’s now unfolding.

Titled “Suddens Deaths Explode Among Vaxxed Children and Babies,” as Steve direly warned in a very perceptive SQnote while linking to that story, “STILL DON’T BELIEVE THE CV-19 PLANDEMIC WAS A HUMAN EXTINCTION LEVEL BIO-WEAPONIZED ATTACK ON HUMAN’S FUTURE? NO CHILDREN, NO FUTURE – WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?”

Showing the most innocent and helpless members of society have been targeted, thus giving the eugenicist globalists working to cull the human race a ‘win-win’ as not only are they getting rid of those who they see as ‘useless eaters’ but making sure those newborns and young ones also never have children, as that News Addicts story warns, sudden and unexpected deaths among newborns and young children have skyrocketed to alarming levels throughout 2022 and 2023.

So while the previously mentioned NY Times story reported the studies being done on this rapidly spreading ‘brain fog‘ are quick to blame ‘long COVID,’ it never mentioned the ‘vaxxines’ as being a possible cause for the explosion of young Americans suffering devastating health problems since COVID, especially ‘brain fog’ and other cognitive, neurological effects. Though as we read in that story, it’s NOT ‘brain fog,’ it’s a very real ‘brain injury’ Americans are suffering fromFrom the NY Times story.:

There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems — with remembering, concentrating or making decisions — than at any time in the last 15 years, data from the Census Bureau shows. 

About as many adults ages 18 to 64 now report severe cognitive issues as report trouble walking or taking the stairs, for the first time since the bureau started asking the questions each month in the 2000s. 

The rise in cognitive issues aligns with a common symptom that plagues many Covid long-haulers: “brain fog.” 

Studies estimate some 20 percent to 30 percent of people who get Covid have some cognitive impairment several months later, including people with symptoms ranging from mild to debilitating. Research has also shown clear biological changes from the virus related to cognition, including, in some long Covid patients, lower levels of serotonin. 

“It’s not just fog, it’s a brain injury, basically,” said Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, chair of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. “There are neurovascular changes. There’s inflammation. There are changes on M.R.I.s.”

And just as we had warned they’d be doing in this November 12th story on ANP titled Globalists Using ‘Climate Change’ To Cover Up Carrying Out Genocide Upon Our Children And Their Crimes Upon Humanity: They Found An Excuse For Their ‘Died Suddenly’ Massacre,” they’ll continue to find one excuse after another for all of these bizarre injuries and neurological behavior and ‘mysterious deaths’.

Going so far as to actually blame ‘climate change’ as we’d reported in that November 12th ANP story, all of the people who’ve been injured will never know the truth, that they’ve been ‘culling the masses’ with their bioweapon releases, both COVID and the vaxxes, NEVER telling the world the blunt truth, they’ve intentionally released the bioweapons to ‘cull humanity’ down to a much more ‘manageable’ level.

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