from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following video exposé is as radioactive as it gets, not because it reveals the utterly juvenile and laughable rituals of Freemasonry; rather, because it lays bare the well-hidden driving force behind the seditious movement—Talmudic Judaism.

In point of fact, that whole subversive enterprise is based on a biblical subversion that goes back deep into Old Testament lore. However, there’s really nothing religious about this organization; and certainly nothing of a spiritual nature. Clearly, Freemasonry is nothing but a childish (but very serious) endeavor to assemble as many easily mind-controlled greenhorns as possible who can be brainwashed into doing the often dangerous dirty work of the leaders, especially of those who have attained 33 degree freemason status.


There’s an old saying that goes like this:

The last 5000 plus years of human history can be summed up as follows:

Old, rich and powerful men sending young poor men into war

to both protect and advance their interests.

Of course, the following videos well illustrate that Freemasonry is exactly about doing ust that, and with a satanic vengeance. For God forbid that any of the 33 degreed Grand Poobahs ever get caught at a Freemason crime scene, and there are countless throughout U.S. history alone.

However, there’s an extremely important point here which must be addressed because of how some of the greatest and most influential Founding Fathers have been relentlessly accused and abused on the Internet due to their belonging to various Freemason lodges.

CRITICAL POINT: While George Washington, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and John Marshall were all Freemasons, these great men used the lodges for purposes of both spying on the British enemy, as well as organizing under cover of the specific lodges in ways that they could have never gotten away with. Moreover, there were some special lodges which were established during the America Revolutionary period that were explicitly set up to advance the cause of national independence. This is actually a very long and complicated story which can only be correctly understood after comprehending the crucial role of Count Saint Germain, the founding grandfather of the American Republic. See: THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages
After reading “THE NEW ATLANTIS”, it ought to be intuitively obvious precisely who it is that has used the dark side of Freemasonry to methodically destroy and take over the American Republic. And, how those perennial traitors have completely controlled and dominated institutional America since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

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