Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig


by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

The indoctrination of the climate change hoax has been so well prepared, and for so long, and with billions and billions of dollars  by professional social and mind engineers (i.e., the UK-based Tavistock Institute) and with the collaboration of the entire UN system – it is virtually impossible to convince the smartest, most educated, and most honest people that they have been lured into a trap.

Even when they see that something is not quite right, their quiet inner mind tells them, “Cannot be; impossible that the government, and my scientist friends lie to me…”

It is self-denial – as self-protection.

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Admitting that one has been betrayed for most of one’s life would be too shameful no matter how many others were lured and lied into the same trap. Admission, might be interpreted as meaning, that we are not smart. Nobody wants to be “un-smart.”

It is true, though, that over the past three decades or so, the lie-talk, coming from governments, international bodies like the UN, and repeated at nauseatum by the mainstream media, is so pervasive that doubting it is not only “uncool”, but more so, socially and politically incorrect.

Hardly anybody wants to be socially and politically incorrect.

You are soon considered an outcast. Nobody wants to be an outcast.

The truth is, today about 90% of the official narrative, emanating from supposedly expert institutions, and from the authorities paid by your taxes – are lies, false, fake, manipulated – so you will not know the truth, so you will obey the orders that follow the lies.

Let us illuminate some facts about climate change.

1. The climate changes all the time – usually in “waves” of 15 – 20,000- or so years, with smaller cycles in between. Therefore, climate changes are slow, so slow that life on earth can naturally adapt, without hardly noticing anything in our short human lifespan of some 80 years.

2. More than 90%, some scientists say, between 95% and 97% of climate change is caused by solar activities, which also come in cycles. Real scientists say that human activities, industries, cars, agriculture – even military (which the mainstream never mentions – in the COP meetings [see below on COP] it is strictly forbidden to talk about the military CO2 output) – produce less than 0.3% of CO2, unnoticeable because any excesses are absorbed by the seas.

The seas also release CO2 when forests, mainly rainforests, and trees in general need more for their survival – CO2 being vital food for trees, which, in turn produce the oxygen from which most life on earth lives. A perfectly balanced symbiosis. Mother Earth knows what she is doing.

3. The key is – there is of course an agenda behind the so-called manmade CO2 caused “climate change” when Al Gore made the round in the early 2000s with his propaganda climate speeches, including at the World Bank and other international agencies, it was called “global warming”, then the narrative changed because you can do more with a both-sided, cooling and warming, “climate change”.

This idea dates back to the Club of Rome, their infamous 1972 report “Limits to Growth”. The Club’s first objective, as stated in the Report, is population reduction by more than 90% so that the earth’s non-renewable resources will last longer for a small elite. As simple as that.

“Limits to Growth” is still today the blueprint for the Great Reset / UN Agenda 2030. So, the population reduction narrative is still alive and well – as you know. The eugenists, Gates and Rockefellers et al, are quite omni-present.

See also this – quite recent, from an author of “limits to Growth”:

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is a member of the World Economic Forum. (4 May 2023)

That is where also plandemics with forced and coerces killer vaxxes come in, which will leave – according to Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, then also in charge of Pfizer Research – potentially billions of people dead in the next 5-10 years. An estimated 70% of the world population was vaccinated.

Almost nobody will be able to trace the excess mortality back to the vaxxes because the causes of death will be so many, and so diverse, that there is no clearly discernible pattern for the common cause. Scientists will be coerced to shut up – as was the case with the fake vaxxes and PCR tests.

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