The WEF and the Dangers of a Circular Economy


from The Epoch Times:

In recent times, the Davos elites have been pushing the idea of a new economy, one that is circular in nature. Should we be concerned?

As the British politician David Cameron famously asserted, “The economy is the start and end of everything.”

To control the economy is, in many ways, to control the world.


Although no one government or organization controls the world’s economy, a few major players help shape it.

One of the major players, as many readers know, is the World Economic Forum (WEF). In recent times, the Davos elites have been pushing the idea of a new economy, one that’s circular in nature. Should we be concerned?

Some could say that the circular economy is an “agenda.” According to a recent report published by the WEF and Accenture, it is. The authors of the report said this is an “agenda” and that the directions must “come from the top.” A circular economy is the antithesis of today’s economy—or, as the authors of the report call it, the “linear economy.”

“The transition to circular business models is,” we’re told, “a critical lever for organizations to achieve climate commitments and reach net-zero emissions.”

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the WEF and Accenture suggested “changing how goods are produced and consumed.” Circularity, they said, “plays a critical role in this.”

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