The Odious Israeli War Crime Committed Against the US Navy & Covered Up by a Treasonous POTUS


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: There is perhaps no better example, which unequivocally proves that the U.S. Federal Government is completely owned and operated by the Khazarian Cabal, than the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.  For only a hardcore ZOG would ever permit such an egregious act of war and subsequent cover-up to be perpetrated without an iota of consequence for the dastardly Zionist perpetrators.

As a matter of historical fact, since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Khazarians have possessed the political power and financial prowess to execute just about any war crime and act of terrorism, organized genocide and global depopulation scheme it so desired.  Because they totally control the CIA’s Mockingbird Media and Western Intelligence Community, covering up those crimes against humanity was a cinch.  Which is why this list of international Khazarian crime waves does not even include the relatively insignificant USS Liberty, though it ought to: THE DARK TRIAD OF THE KHAZARIAN CABAL.

For anyone who questions the truth about this vicious Israeli war crime deliberately carried out against the U.S. Armed Forces, the following detailed exposés will erase all doubt.

A Compendium of Articles about them Treacherous Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty

Of course, the real stain on the US government concerns that not a single elected representative or government official has brought this issue up for Congressional investigation and vigorous prosecution.  Which is why the U.S. Congress is now run by a bunch of traitorous Christian Zionists whose loyalties run deeper to the apartheid state of Israel than they are to the United States.  And, the recent request for $14 billion in aid to Israel so that the Nazi regime in Tel Aviv can continue their genocide of the Palestinians and carry out the Gaza land grab demonstrates this grim reality.

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