The Marxist Left Now in Plain Sight


by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:

The DNC offices came under attack in Washington D.C. from Pro-Palestine protestors on Wednesday evening this week. Cities across the country are seeing organized protests that are growing in numbers and escalating their demands. Chants to remove President Biden and charge him with war crimes are becoming common. The protestors are the same people who voted for Biden just a few years ago.

They represent the Marxist left. Socialist in plain sight.


Democrats are quick to point out that Donald Trump is the Republican Party. They critique that the Republicans have lost their platform. It is time for Democrats to take their own truth and acknowledge they are a party of communists, and they, too, have lost their platform. The left is anti-American. They are pro-collectivism and anti-constitution. The Israel/Palestine conflict has illuminated the left.

In the 1940’s, there was an Un-American committee that would arrest individuals engaged in this type of behavior. In 2023, it will be recognized as “free speech.”

Free Speech is vital. Recognizing a threat to our republic is also important. While we may be on the same team asking for peace, we are diametrically opposed in regard to philosophy and putting America First.

Generation Z took to TikTok on Thursday and began publishing Osama Bin Laden’s “Letter to America” as if it was a hidden document from society. They began shaming and blaming America for supporting Israel. They ignored that this letter was previously published and widely discussed in the theories of “blowback.” They also ignored that the letter was a push to convert the world to a new religion and morals based on it.

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