“The left” hates what Netanyahu’s doing to the Palestinians (but they don’t mind what he’s done to the Israelis)


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

They only wish that he had helped get ALL the Palestinians injected, too, by giving their authorities enough “vaccine” to do the job

First, a rare bit of good news, reported (only here on Substack) by Ana Maria Mihalcea on October 23: TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Sentencing of Four NZ Government Officials

On Saturday 17 June 2023 an historic event took place in New Zealand. A dedicated team of men and women have opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of justice, Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga nui of Nu Tireni – New Zealand. The Court will deal with civil and criminal claims for all Sovereign Nationals of Nu Tireni NZ who register with the Wakaminenga Maori Government under the jurisdiction of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga.

The first case has been brought by the members of the Wakaminenga Maori Government on behalf of all the people of New Zealand. The case deals with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide and against humanity.

Senior officials of the Wakaminenga Maori Government witnessed their Leader Upoko Arikinui Ripekatangi of Ngati Maniapoto, Tainui and Ngati Kahu Taitokerau and Deputy Leader Upoko Tuarua Arikinui Kurakamaringi of Te Uepohatu of Te Tairawhiti and Rangatira o Aotearoa Nu Tireni NZ open and bless the Court with ancestral whakatauaki (proverbs), karakia (prayers) and waiata (song).

Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Wakaminenga Maori Government Is Magic Number One – First Prosecutions Of Four New Zealand Officials For COVID19 Crimes Against Humanity And Genocide – Hope For The World
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Now, hold that thought, as we note these photos of last week’s protest in New York’s Grand Central Station, held by Jewish Voice for Peace:

While I agree completely with the slogans on those banners, I can’t pretend to sympathize with the demonstrators posed around them, since the humane message of their words is so bizarrely contradicted by the death-cult symbolism of their masks. Of course, such protesters don’t grasp that symbolism, so deeply have they all been brainwashed by the COVID propaganda; but that just makes their double message all the creepier. As all “the left” has made quite clear since the “vaccination” drive began, they fervently believe that every single one of every Third World people—and that, of course, includes the Palestinians—should be “vaccinated,” whether they want it or not, and notwithstanding the abundant solid evidence that “vaccination” kills and cripples. (Before the “vaccination” drive began, “the left” had already ferociously embraced the other lethal “COVID measures”—especially lockdown, which killed exponentially more poor “people of color” than “the virus” ever did.)

If any on “the left” did not believe in what they piously called—and maybe, in some cases, even still call—“vaccine equity” (a concept no doubt invented by Big Pharma), I’d like to know their names, so I can duly credit them. Since they are evidently of one mind, I’ll use Amy Goodman to exemplify this new schizoid position on “the left.” Here she is recently (and rightly) spotlighting Israel’s quasi-exterminationist approach to Gaza:

Read More @ markcrispinmiller.substack.com