The Great Awakening of (Some on) the American Left


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

It’s both amusing and terrifying to watch how some people on the political left in this country are having their eyes opened for the first time in their lives. Like watching a baby giraffe try to walk for the first time, many Democrats are struggling to find their sea legs as they come to the realization that their party, their political philosophy, is home to the most hateful people on the planet, people who gleefully embrace terrorists and spew racism without concern. Their eyes are opened for the first time, but will the coming election make those eyelids too heavy to keep open, or are they awake forever this time?


It’s good that it’s happening, it’s sad that it took this to make it happen. That’s the only way to view the way some on the left are reacting to the terror attack on Israel on October 7th.

Since then, there has been a crack in the Democratic Party’s coalition, a break between people who aren’t completely insane and the people rank-and-file Democrats have ignored while their leadership fostered their insanity and hate.

When Hamas slaughtered innocent civilians for the simple fact that they were Jewish, good people recoiled in horror. Progressive activists cheered and literally took to the streets the very next day to condemn Israel for a response that hadn’t happened yet. They didn’t condemn the murderous, sub-human terrorists who’d killed babies, they spent a lot of time trying to prove that either babies weren’t killed or they weren’t killed in the manner in which their executions were reported. Imagine being so depraved that you cry “blood doesn’t dry pink” rather than condemning the murder of kids.

Part of that is what the Internet and social media created – attention whores, every bit the junkie you’ve seen on a street corner, only for likes and new followers instead of heroin. But another part of it is just bad people and bad parenting.

A smart person with good parents could be repeatedly told to hate someone, or some egregious lie, and be able to figure out for themselves that the person telling it to them – teacher, community leader, friend, whatever – is full of it and not trustworthy. I mean, the Internet does exist. If you can’t search and find reputable sources refuting the lie that no Jews showed up for work in the World Trade Center on 9/11, you’re dumb to the point that if breathing weren’t a reflex you’d suffocate because you’d don’t have the mental capacity to remember to do it.

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