The first vaccine I didn’t take


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

In my 40 years of work as a reporter, I’ve learned a great deal about evidence.

I’ve also learned about intuition and instinct.

Much earlier, in the winter of 1957, I was a student at Amherst College. One day out of nowhere, the administration announced that a flu pandemic from Asia had arrived in America—


And we should all go to the infirmary and take a vaccine. Right away.

I barely knew what flu was. I’d had colds. But flu?

The whole idea struck me as preposterous.

A wave of dangerous illness was heading our way? It sounded like a World War 2 news broadcast.

Besides, I was busy studying. I wasn’t about to stand in line with a bunch of dutiful students to take a shot in the arm. I failed to see the connection between a germ from Asia and an injection in Massachusetts.

I thought: I’m not going to get sick anyway. This is rubbish.

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