‘Quarantine Camps’: Democrats Endgame Beta Test To Lock Up Americans With No Due Process If Liberal State Leaders Claim To ‘Suspect’ Exposure To Viruses, Has Just Taken One More Step Towards Reality


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

When we see news from other countries, run by dictators or simply overreaching tyrants, the most common thing we notice online and offline, are people saying “That can’t happen here!”

As a quick disclaimer…. yes, almost anything that we see elsewhere, given the right circumstances, and leaders, can indeed happen in America.

Think about Venezuela, one of the most richest nations in South America, became a nation where the people were forced to dumpster dive just for food and basic needs, in just a matter of years.’

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The topic of today’s article is another disturbing trend that Americans would never believe could happen here in the good ole U.S. of A., yet as of a recent appeals court ruling, very well could happen here, unless the Supreme Court overturns the appeals court.

Quarantine Camps. Right here in America.

It has already happened once.

The U.S. government created “quarantine camps” when the COVID-19 ‘plandemic’ was first declared, when then Pentagon first set up 11 facilities near major U.S. airports to “house and treat thousands of people returning to the US from China, as shown in the map below.


Now just imagine that power be given to individual states. Especially those that had no problem declaring businesses “non-essential” and forced then to close, despite the fact that they were “essential” to those counting on a paycheck to survive. According to ABC News, 46 states did so.

Imagine that power given to those state leaders that decreed people could not visit friends or family members, like Michigan.

Imagine giving that power to state leaders from 23 states and the District of Columbia, limited how many people could gather for Thanksgiving in one home. From 5 to 15, depending on the state, for indoors gathers, and some put limits on outdoor gatherings as well.

Would you dear readers want any of those people to be given the power to pluck you off the street and shove you in a quarantine camp for an indefinite amount of time?

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