Not 14M Lives Saved, but Over 17M Dead


by Robert Malone, MD, Brownstone:

Okay, I’m going to talk about something quite different. I’m going to talk about all-cause mortality. I’m not going to be concerned about what caused the death. We’re just going to count deaths. And I’m going to show you data for Romania as well. And all of the graphs and results that I will be presenting are in several scientific reports that I’ve, myself and collaborators have been writing for the last three or more years. And they can be found on this website, the scientific reports. And these are my main collaborators on the all-cause mortality research. And two of them are in the room here with us. They’re from Prague. And another place that I told them I wouldn’t forget the name of, and I just did, I’m sorry about that, Jérémie.



And so I want to start the historic record, almost 1900. I’ll show some data starting in 1900. I’m going to start really at the beginning of Covid if you like. Now all-cause mortality, you’re just counting deaths. And this is the case of France from 1946 on, just after the Second World War. And what you find everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere is that death is higher, is larger in the wintertime and it comes down in the summertime. And so it has a seasonal pattern that’s very regular.

Denis Rancourt (00:11):

This has been known for more than a hundred years. And I would argue that it’s not completely understood. I would argue that it’s far from completely understood, but this is what the pattern looks like by month. So we’re looking at mortality by month in France. And if you integrate by year, by cycle year around each winter from summer to summer in France, it looks like this. So there can be an intense winter followed by a lower winter and so on. And the pattern looks like that.


So since the end of the Second World War, mortality on a population basis has been decreasing mostly. And it’s typically 1% of the population that dies in a given year. So this is the kind of data we’re going to deal with. And that last year is the first year of the so-called pandemic. And now if we go to the USA, to give another example, I can do all-cause mortality. This is by year now for a particular age group. This is the 15 to 24 year old age group. And I’ve separated into male and female.

So you’ve got the two colors there. And this graph allows us to illustrate what you can see when you measure mortality, which is a hard figure. Nobody can tell you that the government didn’t count the deaths correctly because they’re very serious about counting deaths and it’s a legalistic process. And so this is hard data. And this is what you see.


You see that there was an event in 1918, that event was recovered by the CDC and called the Spanish Flu. I know, and there are several scientific articles that show that this was not a viral respiratory disease. No one over 50 years old died in that huge peak of mortality. Only young adults and families and teenagers died in that peak. And the rich didn’t die in that period. So that was 1918.

And then in the United States you have something called the Great Depression. Huge economic collapse followed by an economic related the Dust Bowl, which was an environmental catastrophe partly. And those were the big hardships, recent hardships in the USA. And you can see the mortality there in both men and women in those periods. Then in the Second World War, you see that men have a mortality, whereas women do not. And I think we all understand why. And in the Vietnam War period, you can see that there’s a hump in mortality for the men. This is what you can see in all-cause mortality.


And so in conclusion, I’ve been studying all-cause mortality extensively in more than a hundred countries on all the continents except Antarctica obviously, and in great detail by unit time, by week, by day, by month, by age group, by sex. And I can tell you that the only thing you can see in all-cause mortality data are the following things. Seasonal variations, like I explained. A maximum in the winter and in the Southern Hemisphere it’s reversed. Their winter is our summer. That’s when they have a maximum of mortality. In the equatorial region, there is no seasonal variation in mortality. There’s no spikes, it’s a flat line. So there’s seasonal variation that follows the hemispheres.

You can see wars, like I mentioned. You can see economic collapses, huge economic collapses that affect populations. You can see summer heat waves in northern latitudes that are not used to having a very hot period in the summer, that kills people, sometimes because they fall down the stairs when it’s really hot, but it kills people. And you can see a peak that lasts about a week in one of these hot spells.


You can see earthquakes. Right away, you see the earthquake. People get crushed by buildings. You count the dead and you see a peak due to earthquakes. But we do not see or detect any of the CDC-claimed pandemics that occurred in 1957, ’58, ’68, 2009. Those pandemics, those so-called pandemics do not give rise to any excess all-cause mortality that can be detected in any jurisdiction and or by any mean. Excess death cannot be detected on the national or state scale for these so-called pandemics. So they did not cause excess death, whatever they are. And then you have… I explained 1918.

Then we have the Covid period. And in the Covid period there was a huge assault. There were many, a multi-pronged assault against people, vulnerable people in many different jurisdictions. So depending on what the state did before they brought in the vaccines… I’ll talk about the vaccines as well. But depending on what the states did, they caused excess mortality, sometimes huge amounts of it. And I’ll show you examples of that.


So first I want to tell you that something just happens socially as part of the propaganda, which has that the Nobel Prize was awarded for this so-called vaccine. And I want to show you how absurd this is because all the politicians that were supporting this were claiming that tens of millions of lives were saved by the vaccine, this magical vaccine for which we had given the Nobel Prize.

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