Nolte: Disney’s ‘The Marvels’ Bombed All over Planet Earth


by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s latest bomb, The Marvels, has officially flopped all over planet Earth.

Worldwide, which includes its record-low domestic take here in North America, The Marvels opened globally to a disastrous $110 million to $115 million.


That is the lowest global open in the 15-year history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that would be considered a disaster for any movie with a reported production and promotion cost of $200 million, much less the $300+ million this sucker likely cost.

Gee, do Trump-voting, mouth-breathing sexists and racists have so much influence that they were able to stop The Entire Planet from going to see The Marvels? That’s just my way of asking: Who will Disney and its sycophants in the entertainment media blame this breathtaking, historic box office bomb on? Because remember…

The media will never blame the quality of the movie or the divisive politics employed by the studios and filmmakers that alienate, insult, and crap all over the very fans that made these franchises golden geese to begin with (see also: Wars, Star; Jones, Indiana; Prey, Birds of; Woman, Wonder; Angels, Charlie; Black, Men in; Jam, Space; Busters, Ghost; Nator, Termi; and ar, Pix — because these people are rons, mo).

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