Medical Boards on the Ropes as Doctors Come Out Swinging


by Dr. Peter McCullough, American Thinker:

Our featured interview is with Dr. Hartsuch—who is a man of action. His treatment of acute COVID-19 was bold and innovative, with a commitment to early multidrug therapy and advances in salt-water balance and attention to the most severe cases, so they did not end up in the hospital.

In response to the crushing prohibition of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, Hartsuch has sued the Iowa Medical Board for not following due process with board approval for these new and illegal proclamations against drugs doctors had found useful and incorporated into the evolving standard of care for high-risk COVID-19.


Hartsuch is claiming the Iowa State Medical Board injured patients and doctors for what he calls “prior restraint.” Prior restraint is judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast on the grounds that it is libelous or harmful. In US law, the First Amendment severely limits the ability of the government and their state actors (i.e., medical and pharmacy boards) to do this.

Separately, Dr. Simone Gold recently filed a lawsuit against the Medical Board of California (CMB), its president, Kristina Lawson, and 20 related board members (collectively, the “defendants”). Dr. Gold is suing the defendants in an effort to block the Board from illegally threatening the status of her California physician license and to preserve her dignity, reputation, and constitutionally protected First Amendment rights to free speech and due process.

The complaint alleges the Board exceeded charged Dr. Gold with dubious allegations and is now liable for six counts of unconstitutional and unlawful violations.

The legal team for Dr. Gold alleges the defendants’ charges against Dr. Gold are in retaliation for her outspoken advocacy of early medicinal treatments for SARS-CoV-2 infection (including both FDA-approved hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin both of which are featured in the peer-reviewed, widely utilized McCullough Protocol since 2020.

Gold is seeking declaratory relief, injunctive relief, and damages. She is asking the court to 1) formally acknowledge the defendants have willfully and recklessly violated her constitutional rights; 2) prohibit them from any future investigations into her protected free speech; and 3) monetarily compensate her (and her attorneys) for depriving her of her right to practice medicine and for violating her constitutional rights.

Our background music during the monologue is volunteered by freedom fighter Lydia Munchinsky.  Please be sure to listen to this wide-ranging and very useful interview with one of America’s true medical heroes, Dr. David Hartsuch, to get key insights on where this battle for medical freedom is heading next.  Let’s get real. Let’s get loud on America Out Loud Talk Radio. This is the McCullough Report!

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