Liberal MSM Outlet Jumps Off The ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ Train And Admits The True State Of The Nation Under The Biden Regime – Without Deflation The High Prices We See Now Are Here To Stay


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

We’re starting this piece a little differently today. Where we usually offer up the theme of the article, then use videos to confirm quotes, or prove our assertions, today we are starting with a video (above) of the White House’s mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, lying through her teeth in order to convince Americans that what they are seeing, experiencing, and feeling, isn’t actually happening.

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to write about this today because anyone with even half a brain cell still working knows that the Biden regime lies to them.

It isn’t “new” news.


With that said though, there are a few reasons it is important to document the lies consistently, two of which is balancing the lies with truth, and offering facts and figures for Independent Media readers to present to those around them, be it family, friends, or neighbors, who still believe what most of the MSM tells them, and sadly, everything the Biden regime tells them.

For die-hard democrats to admit they know they are being lied to is to admit they made a very big mistake in voting for Joe Biden.

Even more distressing to those same die-hard democrats than admitting they are being lied to by the Biden regime about inflation, and still unbelievably high prices, is the knowledge that they were better off during the Trump presidency.

You have heard the video at the top and Karine Jean-Pierre outrageous claims, which were immediately followed with a post over at X, formerly known as Twitter, shown below:

One of the most productive changes at X since Elon Musk took over are the “community notes.” Those are written by people that have earned a high impact rating by rating other proposed notes that were factually correct.

This has upset the MSM to no end since when they post articles that are inaccurate and actual fake news, instead of getting away with it, community note writers provide links to prove them as the liars they are.

The proposed community note for the Tweet above reads as follows:

Chart shows selected items over the past year.  Prices on most items tracked by BLS are higher:

For more context, since Jan 2021:

Airline: +27.2% , Car rental: +17.2%, Eggs: +21.3%, Milk: +16.8%, Bacon: +23.9%, Veg: +8.9%, Toys: +0.1%, Used Auto: +23.6%, TV: -19.0%

Each assertion in the proposed community note was confirmed using links from the government website, the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Other than televisions, prices have all spiked since 2021, when Biden began occupying the White House.

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