Keep Your Head on a Swivel


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

This is an essay about surviving.  We should be living our lives today with an expectation that something bad will soon happen.  That feeling should not dominate our existence or preclude us from pursuing rich and joyful lives, but it should keep us mentally vigilant and physically prepared before disaster strikes.  In this Obama-Biden America of open borders, out-of-control violent crime, economic fragility, and international provocations, it is only a matter of time before conflicts abroad become conflicts at home.  It is vitally important to keep your head on a swivel.


The October 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israeli civilians serve as a shocking reminder that evil is raring to go when people least expect it.  One second, concertgoers were enjoying festival music, the next second they were struggling to escape slaughter.  One moment, families were asleep in their beds, and the next moment gunmen were breaking into their homes.  Life-and-death situations require critical thinking without the luxury of time; therefore, those who have already mentally prepared for the worst put themselves in the best position to prevail.

Unfortunately, Americans are at a disadvantage today because they have been conditioned to depend entirely upon government institutions for protection.  A culture that values strength and self-reliance produces citizens who are capable of defending themselves when necessary.  A culture that embraces victimhood, views masculinity as “toxic,” finds language “triggering,” and insists that only government agents should be armed with weapons is a culture ripe for swift defeat.

Furthermore, too many official U.S. government policies are intentionally geared toward harming Americans.  No sane nation interested in the safety of its citizens would open its borders to tens of millions of illegal aliens, refuse to prosecute violent criminals, or secretly resettle anti-American, military-aged “refugees” into unsuspecting American communities.  No sane nation wastes its resources harassing patriotic citizens as “domestic enemies,” while turning a blind eye to the damage caused by Antifa and BLM riots and the very real threats from Islamic terrorism.

FBI Director Wray admitted just the other day that his agency is not tracking “currently operating” foreign terror cells in the United States, that “the gaps in our intelligence are real, and that’s something we have concerns about.”  At this point, nobody is denying that foreign terrorists are using America’s illegal immigration crisis to slip into the country.  During Biden’s time in office, border patrol officers have “encountered” nearly seven million immigrants, while over two million “known gotaways” evaded initial detection.  Tens of thousands of Middle Easterners have successfully entered the country illegally.  In 2023 alone, nearly one thousand people on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist have been apprehended, but nobody knows the true scope of terrorist “gotaways.”  

The cold, hard truth is this: through its open border policies and refugee resettlement programs, the federal government is actively aiding and abetting the next terrorist attack on the United States.  The FBI has proved time and again that it has no interest in preventing Islamic terrorism inside America’s borders.  While it directs its funding resources and agents’ time toward targeting Trump supporters for their political beliefs, it has repeatedly failed to act on intelligence that would have prevented every Islamic terror attack since 9/11.  Neither the FBI nor the larger Intelligence Community is motivated by the prospect of saving American lives.

Why would the U.S. government see Americans as expendable?  The most straightforward answer is that it does not serve the American people but is instead interested exclusively in expanding its own powers.  What 9/11 confirmed for the Intelligence Community is that even its worst failures can be used to institute unconstitutional laws, such as the Patriot Act, that serve to broaden government authority.  In the subsequent two decades, the federal government has created a complex surveillance system that enables it to spy on every citizen of the United States.  Not only has freedom been foolishly traded for the promise of security, but also that promise proved to be a lie.

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