Iran Attacks Pennsylvania


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

An Iranian hacker group, Cyber AV3ngers, had the ability to break into a water municipality station in Pennsylvania. The system operated on Unitronics, owned by Israeli entities. The alarms immediately sounded, but the authorities are claiming the water is still safe to drink. Iran and the US have secretly been at war since this Israel-Palestine situation began, and now, Iran is targeting US infrastructure.


“I am closely monitoring this cyberattack on the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa. My office is in touch with leadership, which reports that there has been no loss of water service for folks. Federal officials are assisting the investigation, and I remain ready to help with federal agencies,” Congressman Chris Deluzio announced in a statement. This is expanding far beyond Pennsylvania as numerous municipalities along the East Coast of America also use Unitronics. “Every equipment made in Israel is Cyb3rAvengers legal target!” the group posted on X, where it has a social media profile. “The CyberAv3ngers will continue their activities, and the worst is coming.”

“Attacks on our critical infrastructure like water are unacceptable,” said Deluzio. “I intend to push for a full investigation here and accountability for the attackers, and I will continue the important bipartisan work on the House Armed Services Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation Subcommittee to shore up America’s defenses,” Deluzio declared.

We hear reports of Iranian groups attacking US bases constantly. However, targeting America from within is a new war strategy that our country may be unprepared to handle. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s 2023 Annual Threat Assessment acknowledges the growing threat of cyber attacks from Iran. Iran’s growing expertise and willingness to conduct aggressive cyber operations make it a major threat to the security of U.S. and allied networks and data. Iran’s opportunistic approach to cyber attacks makes critical infrastructure owners in the United States susceptible to being targeted,” the report noted.

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