If You Oppose Tyranny, You’re on the FBI’s AGAAVE List


    by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

    As if locking up J6 protesters for their political beliefs and repeatedly arresting President Trump for opposing the Deep State had not been big enough clues, America’s KGB goon squad revealed last month that it has a whole new domestic terrorism category specifically created to target MAGA voters: Anti-Government, Anti-Authority, Violent Extremists.  (Fist bump to any reader who sees “AGAAVE” and immediately thinks that it must be Tequila Tuesday somewhere.)

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    It’s always disconcerting to find more proof that the FBI is every bit the dangerous, psychopathic, anti-American organization that it appears.  Whenever I refer to it as the “Fascist Bureau of Intimidation,” a little voice in my head asks, “Is that entirely fair?”  Then I see how it’s AGAAVE’d half the population onto a terrorist watchlist, and I realize that I’m not being critical enough.  This agency is Soviet Russia’s Cheka secret police through and through.

    It just goes to show what a commie-curious, shock troop–loving, Big Brother monstrosity the United States Leviathan has become when its “premier” law enforcement agency thinks people opposed to authoritarianism are the real problem.

    The Founding Fathers — who have no doubt rolled over so many times in their graves these last two decades to have awakened half the spirits on the East Coast — bequeathed a political legacy grounded in the abiding truth that no form of government can be trusted.  Being “anti-government” and “anti-authority” was kind of the crux of a liberty movement that appreciated the corrupting influences of power and the malicious inclinations of those who successfully hoard it.

    Opposing entrenched government authority is so crucial for overall political stability, in fact, that the Constitution slices and dices legal powers into competing state and federal offices, while the Bill of Rights takes great pains to explicitly protect Americans’ inherent rights to speak freely and arm themselves in defense against government tyranny.  Together, the First and Second Amendments are a combination punch meant to empower ordinary Americans against the inevitable excesses and mischief of government authority. 

    According to the FBI, however, America’s most ardent defenders of the Bill of Rights are now simply the Bureau’s “Most Wanted.”  Warning, citizens!  Be on the lookout for all those dangerous constitutionalists so fond of waving the American flag out of a chivalrous devotion to the land of the free and the home of the brave.  For America’s Cheka-FBI, if you aren’t kneeling during the National Anthem, you might just be a threat!

    On the surface, it seems perfectly reasonable to target “violence.”  In this post-modern America, where words have lost their true meaning, however, language is now public enemy number one.  Have you ever said anything “politically incorrect”?  Have you ever dared to explain to the gullibly indoctrinated that biological sex is real and that “transgenderism” is another mass delusion?  Have you ever publicly expressed your opinion that open border policies have increased violent crime and destroyed once-happy communities?  Then, according to the FBI’s Newspeak, you have used your words to perpetuate “violence.”  You may have thought you were exercising your right to free speech, but to the FBI’s jackbooted thought police, you are shooting off “hate”-tipped bullets like a deranged terrorist.

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