Fighting the Ignorant Shock Troops of Socialistic Change


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

Western media headlines are breathlessly reporting that the head of Hamas is in communication through the government of Qatar with Israel’s government to negotiate the release of some hostages. The IDF does not accept that because they know it’s another Hamas ruse to reorganize and rearm. I don’t believe it either because Hamas does nothing for peace or humanity, their only goal being the complete elimination of Israel.

It’s a Hamas propaganda ruse to forestall the effective and continued IDF attacks that are wiping them out. Propaganda: Is the propagation of a doctrine by insinuation or slanted means.


Too, such reports have to be disheartening to survivors, friends, and families of those hostages, hopefully still alive deep in Hamas tunnels, but the fact is, most, if not all of those Israelis seized, including the children, are probably already dead. What makes it all suspect as propaganda is that the head of Hamas was quickly killed by IDF, as well as dozens of other Hamas commanders in the opening stages of Israel’s campaign of retribution. Who is doing the negotiating on Hamas’s part? They speak of twelve American hostages, and for propaganda purposes, they still might be alive. But that’s all.

On a recent Hugh Hewitt show, Hewitt interviewed an Israeli somebody on the ground in Israel, who clearly stated he had already seen photos of dozens of dead hostages in the tunnels. At this point, Hugh Hewitt terminated the interview as graciously as possible and left the comment lingering. There was no confirmation of the claim yet.

Hamas terrorists are murdering butchers and are not at all interested in creating a Palestinian state out of Gaza and the West Bank to share the land with Israel but to fulfill the teachings in the Quran to kill all Jews and convert all non-believers to Islam or kill them too. That’s their sole aim: ridding the Middle East of Jews and non-believers and restoring, if not creating a new Islamic caliphate. They’ve already expanded their operations throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, and we’re next. If the organized and unafraid pro-Hamas crowds of rioting morons and leftist agitators on Blue City streets are any indication, they’ve got a good chance of succeeding. They told us they were coming, but we haven’t listened. We’re not listening now, either.

Senile Joe Biden will claim the four-day ceasefire as a diplomatic achievement while it will be, in fact, another dismal mark of capitulation on his long record of non-achievement. Biden’s administration is applying pressure on the Israelis to end their military campaign soon because Joe needs some diplomatic issue to shore up his falling approval numbers. It’s too late! Biden was told by his handlers to believe that continued U.S. support to Israel would be difficult so long as Israel continues its campaign to destroy Hamas and Gaza. Regardless, the Israeli Defense Force plans to continue their campaign as soon as this “humanitarian pause” is over. Israel will not let go this time. It’s all or nothing. So, how does that affect us?

If our beliefs in our American Constitutional Republic are so strong and should be preserved, why, then, do we tolerate Muslims in the halls of Congress? Why do we tolerate Palestinian flags replacing American flags on American streets? Some Muslims now occupy American city mayoral positions and city and county commission seats. Why?

Our system of higher education has been infiltrated not only by practitioners of sexual perversion but, if the growing percentage of anti-Israel students demonstrating violently on our streets is any gauge, the Jihadists have successfully infiltrated there as well. Our youths have been, and are still being indoctrinated, not in the values of Western literature, history, culture, civics, and the humanities, but they’re being brainwashed to hate the America they were born in, to trust no one who disagrees with them and accept that only a Socialist America, if not an Islamic one, will be better for world peace.

The Hamas terrorists seized Jewish hostages for the shock effect, propaganda if you will, to demonstrate that Israel was vulnerable, and it was! Apart from the brain-cringing videos of Hamas Jihadists murdering Israelis in the most brutal ways possible, including little children butchered in front of their mothers before raping and then beheading the mothers, did so for the shock effect sick propaganda provides.

Pro-American Conservatives defending American principles are being attacked on the streets by the ignorant shock troops of socialistic change; whether it be Islamic fanaticism, Nazi fascism, socialism, or communism, they all have one way to power, by instilling fear so the change they want can happen without civil war.

The aging and incompetent Joe Biden has shown us two things very clearly: how great a President Donald Trump really was and that old people can and should get involved because we’re the carriers of our Western Judeo-Christian American culture. If we do not, we’re bound to lose the prosperous America we hoped to leave for our descendants.

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