Doug Casey on How Milei Could Make Argentina a Beacon of Freedom and Prosperity


by Doug Casey, International Man:

International Man: Javier Milei made history by becoming the world’s first anarcho-capitalist president.

What is the historical significance of his victory? Are you optimistic?

Doug Casey: Milei’s election is a big deal—potentially a very, very big deal. He’s the first declared anarcho-capitalist in history to head any country. And not by stealth. He, all the while, said that the State is the enemy and should be abolished. Anarcho-capitalists believe that society can run itself without a State, which is a formalized instrument of coercion.


It’s unprecedented for somebody to be elected to run a State that he wants to abolish. And propose that if it continues to exist, it should only have the police, military, and the courts. And even those should be privatized.

Am I optimistic?

Looking at it from a long-term point of view, for the last hundred years, individual freedom has been diminishing, and State power has grown hugely all over the world. What’s worse is that the trend is accelerating. Many countries are on the ragged edge of turning into socialist or fascist dictatorships.

That includes the US. Since Reagan left office, all of our presidents have been disasters of various types, with the current regime being the worst yet. In Argentina, the Peronists have run the country completely into the ground over the last 75 years.

Of course, maybe Milei’s election is just an uptick in a continuing downtrend because you can’t change a country’s national philosophy overnight. But destroying a State apparatus infested by Peronists, socialists, fascists, and other horrible parasites is a good start. If he can pull the apparatus of the State out by its roots, not just trim it back, the result might last for quite a while.

I’m encouraged by the fact that young people and poor people are among his biggest supporters. They recognize that they’re the ones who the State damages the most. Could Argentina be the start of a worldwide trend towards free minds and free markets?

Since I prefer to believe humans are basically decent, I can’t help being optimistic—even if cautiously. He’s going to get lots of resistance from the Deep State, unions, the media, welfare queens, and other “usual suspects.”

International Man: Perhaps there is no issue more important in Argentina than money.

Milei has promised to “burn down the central bank” and replace the peso with the US dollar. He has made statements favorable to eliminating all legal tender laws and allowing whatever commodity the free market would choose as money—though he hasn’t articulated his exact plans.

What do you think Milei should do regarding the money issue? What are the risks of adopting the US dollar and not having any monetary alternatives?

Doug Casey: First of all, he totally understands the government shouldn’t be in the money business. I know that shocks most people to hear, but trusting the government with money is like trusting a teenager with a Corvette and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Milei correctly believes the government should be basically just a night watchman. It should have nothing to do with the economy or money because they’ll inevitably use regulations and fiat currency to corrupt the society and steal from their subjects. The Argentine government is especially notorious for printing money. That’s the root cause of inflation. Inflation makes it much harder for poor people to save and elevate themselves.

And it’s not just inflation. They have multiple exchange rates, which make it very convenient for government officials to buy money at an artificially low exchange rate while everybody else pays perhaps twice as much. And who can risk paying 100% interest rates? And how can you conduct business when your currency is a laughing stock, worthless outside the country?

Americans don’t really understand the importance of a sound currency because they’re used to a relatively stable dollar. Not so long ago, we used to have expressions like “sound as a dollar” and “the dollar is as good as gold.” A sound currency is a major reason why America has prospered. An unsound currency is a major reason Argentina is a basket case.

So, yes, money is the number one issue in Argentina. Going from the peso to the dollar is a positive move, but regrettably, it only amounts to jumping out of a raging fire into a frying pan.

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