Don’t worry. The FDA and CDC looking out for your safety!


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Fibrous clots forming post-vaccine are a huge problem. A significant number of embalmers have noticed this since the vaccines rolled out. This can kill people. Some embalmers saw this in over 90% of their cases in the recent past.

But when the guy collecting the information (Thomas Haviland) tried to ask the FDA to investigate, they ignored him.

Here is his latest e-mail:


Subject: Are You Investigating the “White Fibrous Clots” and Their Potential Link to the COVID-19 Vaccines?

To the FDA, CDC, and NIH,

As you can see below, I submitted a written package on 19 Jan 2023 to the FDA to alert the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to a very serious potential link between the COVID-19 vaccines and the formation of these new, large, and unusual “white fibrous clots/structures” that embalmers across the United States and the world are seeing in their corpses, most since 2021 and continuing to present.

The embalmers that I am in contact with are still seeing these “white fibrous clots” in a high percentage of their corpses in Fall 2023. Keep in mind that most of these embalmers have been embalming bodies for over ten or twenty years, yet they have never seen these white fibrous clots before until 2021, which just happens to be the year that the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out.

Attached to this email are the original files that I submitted to the FDA on 19 Jan 2023, including a PowerPoint presentation with the results of an online survey that I conducted in Dec 2022 – Jan 2023 which solicited responses from 30 state funeral director associations and over 800 funeral homes in major cities across the United States. Also included is an “updated” version of the PowerPoint presentation that now also includes the survey results from Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand that were collected in March 2023.

My hope is that you have reviewed the information that I sent to you in January, and that you are already thoroughly investigating these new and unusual “white fibrous clots” that embalmers are still seeing in the veins and arteries of the deceased, and their potential link to the COVID-19 vaccines.

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