Defund The Universities!


by Michael McCarthy, America Outloud:

For many years, we have seen and read about the Progressive Democratic Party Marxist indoctrination steadily simmering in colleges and universities. Now, it has reached the boiling point. After the sick ingredients of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Diversity Equity Inclusion have been added to the poisonous pseudo-intellectual stew cooking on campuses across America, now the piece de resistance: the celebration of Hamas baby killers! And these student activists are passionately intense about supporting the Hamas killers.


Under the false flag of “free Palestine,” the formerly Nazi-punching student activists now loudly embrace and demand the Nazi policy of killing Jews. In just 78 years, from 1945 to 2023, we have journeyed from our revulsion about the genocide of the Holocaust to public demonstrations in favor of killing Jews. PJ Media writer Victoria Taft reported that one UC Berkeley instructor actually offered extra credit for students who attended the “national student walkout against the settler-colonial occupation of Gaza.” The only occupiers of Gaza are the terrorist Hamas group whom the people of Gaza elected to be their government.

Writer Wesley Yang commented on X: “Something approaching 100 percent of all academic hires in the humanities and social sciences made since 2020 benefited from preferences for those who share the ethos of this professor.”

We Lost the War of Ideas

How did this happen? Simple. We lost the war of ideas in our universities by default. While the Marxists steadily groomed generation after generation of professors, we the taxpayers did not notice or react. Why? We were busy making a living, working at our jobs, raising our families, and paying our state and federal taxes. Meanwhile, the professors, paid with our taxpayer money, made their living by seducing our gullible young sons and daughters with the socialist con job of “you are victims, and the rest of America (including your parents) are the oppressors and America is evil.”

Even in the face of realworld examples of how socialism / Marxism does not work (North Korea, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union), the Marxist professors used a simple trick: censorship of any facts that contradict their propaganda. Shout down any speaker who disagrees with them. Like the humbug Wizard of Oz, they shout “Pay no attention to those facts we hide behind our curtain of censorship!” Universities, formerly the champions of the free marketplace of ideas, became the one-sided propaganda enforcers of the Left. Like Winston Smith, the protagonist in George Orwell’s prophetic novel 1984, the professors and administrators or enforcers simply sent inconvenient facts down the “memory hole” and pretended that those facts never existed.

Like a weed that spreads and chokes out garden vegetables, these Marxist professors staffed the university Colleges of Education, training our public school teachers, who in turn teach our children that America is an evil oppressor of poor victims. This is how the socialist weed spreads: from professors to school teachers to our children. Like the weeds in our gardens, this must be pulled up by the root: funding.

Defund The Universities!

In recent years, the cabal of Left-Wing Marxist activists have campaigned to defund the police. It is time to coopt this strategy and apply it against the pushers of anti-American intellectual poison: the publicly funded colleges and universities. We taxpayers have been paying the pushers of intellectual fentanyl (the professors) to poison the minds of our own children.

How do we know it is poison? “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20. When our university students demonstrate in support of the baby killers of Hamas, we see the evil fruit of this intellectual poison. These students have been so brainwashed that they can justify killing innocent babies because they are Jewish. The intellectual poison of the Democratic Socialist Left is deadlier than fentanyl. This intellectual poison leads to actual death: the killing of babies, the elderly, and young girls.

It is time to defund the institutions that nurture these enemies of American ideals.

State governments and the Federal government fund these intellectual fentanyl factories with our tax money. Write your state and federal representatives to demand they defund all colleges and universities. Unlike privately funded universities, there is no accountability for how the government funds are spent. At least the private donors to the rat’s nests of antisemitism like Harvard have woken up and cut off their donations. With government appropriations, the funding is never cut off.

Newsweek listed five universities hosting pro-Palestinian protests (translation: we support antisemitic baby killers). In the comments under the Newsweek article, one person listed more:

Here’s some more…It’s contagious on these leftist campuses.

The following campuses have had anti-Israel demonstrations and antisemitic incidents happen over the last 72 hours. University of Michigan, Stanford University, Harvard University, Drexel University, Columbia University, University of Wisconsin, Madison, New York University, Brandeis University, Michigan State University.

This is only a partial list, of course.

Tell your friends to write your state representatives and congressmen and demand they defund the state and federal-funded universities. Defund the Federal Department of Education. Funding is the root of the Marxist university weed. We must pull it out by the roots.

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