Constitutional Convention Would Open Pandora’s Box


by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

The push for a constitutional convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution is gathering momentum on the right and the left, with potentially catastrophic or even deadly consequences for what remains of the greatest republic in human history. The red flags are everywhere. And the future of Americans’ God-given rights hangs in the balance.

Right now, the Constitution is still technically the “supreme Law of the Land,” as Article VI makes clear. Every public official swears an oath—usually with a hand on the Bible—to uphold and defend it. That means much of the lawless behavior coming from the federal government that has so outraged Americans of all political persuasions is unconstitutional and illegitimate.


The forces responsible for the escalating unconstitutional abuse of America know full well their lawless schemes are not authorized by the charter that created the federal government. Therefore, they are chomping at the bit to change it—or even trash it—and forever burn the bridge that could lead the United States back to the liberty, prosperity, and peace made possible by that precious Constitution for well over two centuries.

In a recent piece for Chronicles by attorney J. Eric Wise, he offered qualified praise for California’s far-left Governor Gavin Newsom (and his hair) for being “pointed in the right direction” with the recent call for a constitutional convention. Even though Wise described Newsom’s proposed gun-control amendment as “misguided,” he nevertheless argued the United States “needs, badly, a convention of states that will consider a broad overhaul of the Constitution.”

Such a convention would be a massive gamble at best, with virtually no rewards and unfathomable risks. That is why the late Justice Antonin Scalia explained in a 2014 interview that he was firmly against the idea. “I certainly would not want a Constitutional Convention,” he responded when asked how he would like to amend the Constitution. “I mean, whoa! Who knows what would come out of that?”

At worst, it could be the final nail in the coffin for the free United States of America, a blow from which the nation would never recover. With this one mistake, the amazing heritage of the nation could go up in smoke forever, making this generation responsible for frittering away the legacy bequeathed by centuries of toil and blood shed by America’s forefathers.

Of course, many of Wise’s observations are true. The nation is currently experiencing dangerous division. And the Constitution is clearly not working as intended. It is also true that the government does not obey the Constitution anymore. In fact, politicians barely even bother pretending to follow it anymore, and few young Americans know much about it.

But the solution lies not in changing or potentially even throwing out that Constitution—a unique document in world history enshrining God-given rights that nearly a million Americans have sacrificed their very lives to defend. Indeed, most of the problems proponents of a Constitutional Convention point to result from violations of the Constitution that could be fixed by enforcement, not defects that could be fixed with amendments.

Even in a best-case scenario where conservatives, against all odds, are able to add a few good amendments, the argument falls flat. If the feds do not obey the Constitution now, how would adding new amendments for them to ignore change that problem?

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