Bill Gates Destroying Farming Industry to Advance Globalist Agenda


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is buying up farmland as part of an effort to control and destroy America’s farming industry in order to advance the globalist green agenda, a new book is warning.

A new book aimed at “exposing the billionaire class” says Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’s investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat, and U.S. farmland aren’t saving the planet at all.

Instead, the schemes seek to advance the agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and assert his own control of the public, all while enriching his bank account.


The book, “Controligarchs,” is written by renowned investigative reporter Seamus Bruner.

“Controligarchs” has been making waves since it hit bookshelves Tuesday.

The book examines billionaires like Bill Gates and how their wealth controls the levers of power that dominate the everyday lives of average Americans and other Western citizens.

Bruner, an author and investigative journalist, previously led teams whose findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clinton and Biden families.

He says that his research uncovered Gates’s efforts to buy up American farmland and invest in synthetic dairy and lab-grown meats in the name of preventing “climate change.”

However, as Slay News has previously reported, studies have found that Gates’s fake meat products are up to 25 times more harmful to the environment than traditionally farmed beef.

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