Biden Moves to Seize Control of Internet


from Moonbattery:

Artificial Intelligence is not all the Biden Regime wants to subordinate to “equity.” The Internet faces the same fate:

Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr is calling the Biden administration’s “digital equity” plan for all internet services and infrastructure an “unlawful power grab.”

Equity can only be imposed by a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of human existence. That’s the point of it.


“President Biden’s plan hands the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. Never before, in the roughly 40-year history of the public Internet, has the FCC (or any federal agency for that matter) claimed this degree of control over it. Indeed, President Biden’s plan calls for the FCC to apply a far-reaching set of government controls that the agency has not applied to any technology in the modern era, including Title II common carriers,” Carr said in a statement on Monday.

Read websites like this one while you can. Federal bureaucrats are unlikely to find anything to the right of all the way left to be consistent with the principles of equity.

“For the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions—from how [internet service providers] allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive. Talk about central planning,” Carr warned.

What do you expect? Today’s Democrats are Marxists. The only difference between them and Bolsheviks is they have not yet gathered the nerve to try to disarm us so they can throw us into gulags.

Cautions Carr:

“The Biden Administration’s plan empowers the FCC to regulate every aspect of the Internet sector for the first time ever. The plan is motivated by an ideology of government control that is not compatible with the fundamental precepts of free market capitalism.”

Traditionally, when thugs seize control in a banana republic, the first thing they take over is the television stations. But Democrats already control those. The Internet is the only platform for meaningful dissent.

“Biden is turning ‘digital discrimination’ into a pretext for regulating everything. For equity,” Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment, said of the Biden plan for the FCC.

Whether you call it “equity,” “Critical Race Theory,” “Cultural Marxism,” “LGBTism,” or the more general “moonbattery,” the ideology of our degenerate liberal rulers is a totalitarian creed. Every aspect of society will be increasingly oriented toward enforcing it so long as they remain dominant.

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