Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God


by Ashley Sadler, LifeSite News:


WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — U.S. President Joe Biden, a Catholic, issued his annual Thanksgiving proclamation on Wednesday without mentioning the name of God a single time. Biden’s sparse references to God in his Thanksgiving addresses thus far stand in stark contrast to the God-centered proclamations issued by his predecessor.

“As families, loved ones, and friends across the country come together to celebrate Thanksgiving, let us be grateful for all the blessings of this Nation and its limitless possibilities,” Biden said in the Wednesday proclamation just ahead of the iconic American holiday that far predates U.S. independence.

“Throughout our country’s history, this season of reflection and giving thanks comes in good times and tough ones,” he said, without observing to Whom that thanks is due, hearkening back Barack Obama’s presidency in which Obama gave God “only a few passing references” in his own Thanksgiving addresses, the Washington Examiner pointed out.

“This week, Americans will gather with their loved ones and families, celebrating the love they share and the traditions they built together,” Biden said. “To those who are also enduring hard times or grieving the loss of a loved one, know that we are thinking of you.”

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