As The Secret Societies Seeking To Rule Over The World Push The Final Battle Of Gog And Magog, Satanism Is The Force Of Evil Behind The Unbridled Chaos Happening All Across The Planet


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

My original intent was to write on the topic of who is actually our enemy and to cover items like “Russia is” so we put sanctions (economically and otherwise) on them yet their economy is booming like never before.  Sanctions on their energy production yet they are selling more natural gas and petroleum products than ever before, berating them for their ever increasing nuclear capabilities yet we sell them and outright give them our uranium yet buy it back enriched for our power plants from them, destroy some crude pipelines in the north yet help them install pipelines in the south (think Turkey etc.), destroy their currency yet it is ours being destroyed, lambast their space program yet we buy some engines from them (Russian RD-180 is in our Atlas launch vehicles) to equip our space rockets with the newer RD-181’s still being delivered, and many more topics that disprove our war against Russia is for real.


Then we say we are at war with Iran and we get the same results.  Many billions in cash funds to Iran, direct military equipment directed through Afghanistan, sanctions that do not work, attacking their proxies in Lebanon and Syria yet also funding their operations, direct support of many of their operations on our college campuses, in our think tanks, and so forth.  Are we really at war with them?  According to the propaganda agents in the “news” media we are, but not in the actual realms of assistance of many forms.

Chaos; that is the term that comes to mind, CHAOS!  And that is just what it really is.  Antifa has no lock on that term and I am surprised that they did not use the chaos star symbol as their logo.  As we began, my original intent shifted somewhat, but it is still about chaos and who our enemies really are and Russia and Iran are still near the top, along with China and the concept of totalitarian regimes they all represent.  But there is a twist to it all, one may say a bit of chaos in the ranks.  Chaos is also prevalent in Satanism which is the force behind what is now happening in this world. 

In an article on Sacred Geopolitics, we get a glimpse of the ideas that the world political and military leaders are obsessed with the idea of the end times battles.  No, it is not just the Islamic beliefs that reverse the roles of Satan and God, but many others do as well.  We have covered before how the Islamic ideas are that they will usher in the end times by destroying Israel just as God said the forces of Satan would, but they are joined by many world leaders as well.  Russia is one of them, but one other may be (or may not be to many of us) a surprise.  Let me quote from that article briefly to help explain.

Similar expectations were expressed by George W. Bush. In the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Bush told French president Jacques Chirac, “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East.” In what sounded like a conflation of New Age and Evangelical teachings, he urged the French leader, “This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people’s enemies before a new age begins.” …. Chirac wondered, “how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.” In that same yearBush is also said to have told the Palestinian minister of affairs that with his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, he was on a divine mission and had received orders from God himself.”  (Wessels. The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, p. 193)

Yeh, let that sink in a moment.

A Russian philosopher named Alexander Dugin (he was in the news a lot about 2 to 10 years ago) in a book called Konspirologya said

Order of Eurasia against Order of Atlantic (Atlantides).

Eternal Rome against Eternal Carthago.

Occult punic war invisibly continuing during millennia.

Planetary conspiracy of Land against the Sea, Earth against Water, Authoritarianism and Idea against Democracy and Matter

Eurasia being the greater Eastern Europe and northern Asia, basically the larger land mass that had at one time been the USSR.  The Atlantic references the western European nations allied with the United States, fundamentally England (island) and the US (island-continent) water based nations.  Eternal Rome and Cathargo references Cato the Elder’s push for the Punic Wars in the Roman Senate and denotes the love of war.  The reference to the occult is a major give away as to what forces are involved while the terms Earth (land) and Water (the Sea) reference greater Russia (land locked) versus the Atlantic Great Britain and America coalition (think Nato).  Authoritarianism and Idea reference that they know best and we should not argue while our view of democracy (common consent of the governed) is somehow drastically inferior.  Yes it is a call for war against the Christian West in totality.  One may think that since Putin claims the Russian Orthodox Church is so great he must be a Christian, but that is a false claim.  He is not a true Christian in any sense; it is all appearances for power sake.  And yes, the cultist and occultist beliefs that this is a replay of the ancient Atlantis (represented by the idea of Phoenician / Anglo-Saxon water world) versus the Shambhala northern White nations center of the continent that birthed the Aryan Russian race. The Order of Eurasia and the Order of Atlantism are at perpetual war as Dugin teaches that they are the representatives of “the Brotherhood of Light” while the West is the realm of evil magicians or “the Brothers of Shadow”.  Shambhala versus Atlantis; Traditional Liberal (Liberty and Freedom) trade/capital/markets against dictatorial regimentation and virtual slavery.

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