Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s intention is to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend God


by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

When Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s latest statement has not yet finished scandalizing the faithful and causing division among pastors, here comes a new one, of the same sign, that opens another wound in the battered body of the Church.

“Answers to some questions from H.E. Bishop José Negri, Bishop of Santo Amaro in Brazil, regarding the participation in the sacrament of baptism and marriage by transgender and homoaffective persons” were recently published, dated October 31, 2023 (an unofficial English translation can be found here).


Beyond the hypocritical definition of “homoaffective persons” – as if one could separate homosexual identity from the inherently sinful exercise of sexuality against nature that defines it – this document represents a further departure from Catholic doctrine, not only because of the questions it accepts to answer, not so much because of the answers it formulates, but also and especially because of the effects its media interpretation will have among the faithful; an interpretation that significantly turns out to be consistent with the so-called inductive method theorized by Bergoglio himself in another document on the study of sacred theology (here).

According to this theory – condemned by Pius XII – it is necessary “to start from the different contexts and concrete situations in which people find themselves, letting themselves be seriously challenged by reality, in order to become a discernment of the signs of the times.” It is no coincidence that all the media, as of the release of the document on November 8, headline “Vatican opens to trans and gays,” “Yes to divorcees as godparents,” “Trans people may be baptized, Vatican breakthrough.”

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