America’s Secret Police


by Paul Engel, America Outloud:

There’s a reason why organizations like the Gestapo, the Stasi, and the KGB have the reputations they do. All of them were organs of the state to control their population through fear, intimidation, and the abuse of law enforcement powers. As they say, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” By that, I mean the United States has its own “Secret Police,” and they have been very busy lately spying on the American people, coercing people into compliance, and covering up their crimes. People say, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”, but for that to be true, the light must do more than show the infection in our nation and our society. It must be used to remove it.


As more and more examples of the infection of tyranny in our government have been brought into the light, what are the American people doing to remove this corruption? As the sun has exposed the intimidation, coercion, and coverups used by those in government, it seems the vast majority of the American people keep sitting around waiting for someone to do something while no one does anything. It’s time We, the People, break out the scrub brush and disinfectant and start cleaning up this mess for ourselves.

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