You Didn’t Really Think Democrats Cared, Did You?


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

It’s nice to see some residents of cities like New York and Chicago protest against their governments, shocked that their elected officials would divert so many resources from citizens to non-citizens. I’m reminded of the scene in Die Hard where Bruce Willis yells at the cop after he tosses the body of a terrorist onto his car – “Welcome to the party, pal!” It’s about damn time. But, honestly, it won’t matter. Voters in these cities are lumped into two groups: the wealthy, largely unaffected, and brainwashed people suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Both are afflicted with the same disease, one in which they all believe Democrats genuinely give a damn about them. Suckers.


That it’s taken this many years – years of carnage, murder, crime, and drug overdoses – for residents to push back on any kind of large enough scale to notice is a testament to the ability of progressives to simply ignore the obvious, be it human suffering or human evil.

What do I mean by that? Well, thousands upon thousands of people have been murdered in Chicago, particularly on the city’s predominantly black south side. The vast majority of those murder victims and perpetrators were black, and it barely rated a mention in polite progressive circles. Residents in the area of the city where Oprah lived didn’t give a damn; that was “those other people killing each other,” not the civilized residents. As long as it was contained to the poor zip codes, they did not care.

Unemployment, economic depression, and an education system everyone involved should be ashamed of did nothing to upset the apple cart. No one was “happy” with it, per se, but they weren’t upset enough to rally on a mass scale. Every once in a while, the great unwashed would venture into the rich area, loot some stores, then retreat to their residences with a bunch of shoes, feeling like they’d stuck it to “the man.” Meanwhile, the actual man – the rich liberals who control the city – sat in their luxury apartments on Lakeshore Drive laughing. While people stole footwear and some sporting goods, billions of dollars in jewelry, art, precious metals, and cash sat twenty stories above, unmolested.

If you think these people cared about the riots, you haven’t been paying attention. Their valuables were secure; Apple and Footlocker have insurance, so who cares?

The riots weren’t against the people who empowered the city’s failed leadership; it wasn’t against anything. It was opportunism organized through social media and inspired by the same Democrat leaders who told those kids they didn’t stand a chance of success in life because of the color of their skin and definitely NOT because of the horrible education system they’d created.

It’s a hell of a racket, and the blind voting loyalty is truly just this side of Stockholm Syndrome.

But then the illegals came.

These Americans appear to be genuinely surprised that resources would be diverted from them toward people with no business being in the country. They’re shocked their absolute loyalty would be rewarded with indifference, without realizing that the decades-long pouring of government resources to numb the stagnation, that oppression in the name of “social justice” to “compensate” for a union-controlled education system better suited for the 4th world, were the reward. Just enough to get by with the constant threat of it being pulled keeps people loyal. It’s not oppression, exactly, but it’s closer to that than freedom.

Now they’re pushing back, some. Seeing buildings, schools, parks, and other resources taken away and given to the illegal alien invaders. When was the last time the south side rose up? They’re now angry.

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